!{LwX Kf ??;[`_h{bz xg&vZzcl Little Girls
[%y D,8 导演: Gilbert Wolmark
C09@2M' 主演: Michelle Angelo
7y&`H 类型: 剧情
r+2dBp3 制片国家/地区: 法国
<T>f@Dn, 语言: 法语
G.8ZISN/ 上映日期: 1966
4!wfh)Z 片长: USA: 70 分钟
>?tpGEZ\ IMDb: tt0173987剧情简介 · · · · · ·
Qpc>5p![3 "Anything you want! Come on, let's live like PIGS!"
K[H$qJmPX After hiring the hunky Mike to help with her failing owner Dani has a brainstorm. She will target four teenage girls who are beginning a coy flirtation with sexuality and introduce them to a few of her more
I nk76- "forward thinking" customers. While cash will be exchanged, it's clear the gals will be doing their dirty deeds purely for the kicks. While their friend Bismuth acts as bodyguard (and ersatz pimp),
YDJc@*D our lovelies indulge in the debauched fantasies of the club's clientele. Everything and anything is possible. Of course, what these lovelies don't know is that Mike is hiding in the background,
2Qy&V/E ? taking incriminating photos and making scandalous recordings to use as blackmail. With the influx of extorted cash, Dani hopes to save her failing business. What she may not be prepared for is the response of these so-called Little Girls,
~}fpe>M: or the consequences when Mike falls for Elena, one of his targets.
;pJ7k23( “你想要什么都行!来吧,让我们像猪一样生活!”
f32nO 在雇佣了健壮的迈克来帮助她失败的主人之后,丹尼灵机一动。她将针对四个十几岁的女孩,她们开始对性行为进行腼腆的调情,并将她们介绍给她的几个女孩
S6uBk"V! 具有前瞻性思维的客户。虽然现金会被交换,但很明显,女孩们做这些肮脏的事情纯粹是为了好玩。当他们的朋友Bismuth充当保镖(和假冒皮条客)时,
u# 我们的爱人沉迷于俱乐部顾客的放荡幻想。一切皆有可能。当然,这些可爱的人不知道的是,迈克躲在幕后,
T^ -RP 拍摄罪证照片,制作丑闻录音,用作勒索。随着勒索现金的涌入,丹尼希望挽救她失败的生意。她可能没有准备好的是这些所谓的小女孩的反应,或者当迈克爱上他的目标之一埃琳娜时的后果。
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4U3T..wA OMDCD-LITTLE1966.zip \BA_PyS?W+ 4I$#R