下面引用第 14 楼camarades于2006-08-24 04:47发表的“”: Op8Gj
There are few softwares such as: Boilsoft RM Convert, EO Vedio Converter, AVone converter and Winavi converter. All are almost the same, +'SL5d*
But you cannot convert Chinese RMVB (江青野史.rmvb, 武则天(刘晓庆版)-01.rmvb) if you run in English Window. You have either use Chinese window or change 江青野史.rmvb to like this: XXX.RMVB or YYY.RMVB. }cI-]|)|2
Please share with us if you have any other method. 2+I5VPf
Thank you.
y9?*H?f, cLp_\\ try go to control panel, regions and settings, and add asian fonts in. That might help.
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