第二季總共是22集。看FUTONCRITIC.COM 網站上的節目安排表,第二季的最后一集(第22集)被安排在了4月2日播出,而不是早先報道的4月9日。
RPScP P~b%;*m}8 3月26日,2007 (8/7C): Episode 2.21
a8lo!e9q 4月2日,2007 (8/7C): Episode 2.22 (Season 2 Finale)
/_ hfjCE DI2S
%Nl tv guide 上的Michael Ausiello 在1月31日回應swc懷孕會不會影響到sara 在劇中的命運時說:
DcFV^8O& _S%OX_UMn^ Relax, Dr. Sara is safe. Prison Break creator Paul Scheuring told me so himself. "We wouldn't kill her off for having a child," he says. "We're planning on going forward with her in the series, because she's one of our strongest components." Scheuring also ruled out incorporating the pregnancy into the show. Instead, he and his fellow producers are devising "creative ways" to account for Sara's disappearance this fall. (Callies is due in late summer, just as production on the anticipated third season gets underway.) "It actually fits into what we were already planning," says the exec, who would neither confirm nor deny that Sara would be the victim of yet another kidnapping. "We definitely have creative work-arounds to account for her character [being MIA]. We would have explanations for why she wasn't in the first [batch] of episodes."
(<5'ceF)X qZyt>SAx Paul Scheuring also teased that Season 3 would feature “a different storytelling process” that will begin to “play out in the last couple episodes of Season 2″ and “leave some cliff-hangers, including one with Sara.” Although mum on specifics, he says the new conceit will involve bringing “some of the surviving members of the gang back together,” in addition to introducing several new faces. “In the model of Lethal Weapon, where in every subsequent sequel they had a new participant, we’re going to be doing that as well. We brought in Mahone for Season 2, and we plan on adding one or two major new characters/actors for Season 3.” Does that mean my buddy William Fichtner’s days are numbered? “Let’s just put it this way: We’re very, very happy with Bill Fichtner.”
n]6w)wE( 5jj57j" 這樣看來,第三季開拍是毋庸置疑的事了。故事情節會在第二季的最后几集開始發生轉變,留下一些懸念,其中包括sara這條故事線。幸存下來的逃犯們會重新聚首,而第三季里會出現新面孔。mahone 看來會活到第三季。
%o SfL;W7 N?`GZ+5 3月10日新增:
6i?kkULBS 3月9日晚在洛杉磯舉行的Paley Festival 上,PB的主創人員宣布第三季仍然會在達拉斯拍攝,但是同時也會在佛羅里達和路易斯安娜取一部分景。
52q!zx E The show will continue to shoot in Dallas for season three, with secondary units covering Florida and Lousiana.
unbcz{&Hb[ `gA5P % R, (+NT$ 3月12日新增:
.[eSKtbc) 第三季(有可能會有一個新名字) 暫定于2007年8月29日(周三???)播出。
FHnHhB [ 消息來源:
SbQ{ > http://spoilertv-prisonbreak.blogspot.com/2007/03/season-3-info.html \sXmMc 4^jZv$l5 Season 3 of Prison Break (which may have a different name announced soon)
plz=G}Y will be premiered on 29th August 2007, almost 5 months after the season
1 2 finale.
:jN;l G41$oalQ1 2007年3月20日:
,_4KyLfBF FOX 肯定了PRISON BREAK的第三季會如期開拍。
+$pO 原文鏈接:
5* http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117961518.html?categoryid=14&cs=1 aV92.Z_Ku 下一季的故事線會更‘國際化’,同時至少會增加兩男兩女的新角色,而且他們都不是美國人。選角大概會在5月進行。
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[ 此贴被成魔之路在2007-03-29 10:43重新编辑 ]