Madeleine Peyroux : Bare Bones [Jazz][VBRKbps][59M]
专辑名称:Bare Bones |rhCQ"H 歌手姓名:Madeleine Peyroux r'GD 唱片公司:Rounder / Umgd 5IsRIz[`TK 发行日期:2009年03月10日 [&B}{6wry 专辑流派:Jazz '(4#He?Gd 推荐指数:4星 @[vwqPOL >JWW2< 专辑介绍: \`MX\OR -y+u0,=p. The third album in four years from song interpreter extraordinaire Madeleine Peyroux, Bare Bones is both an extension of the currents of 2004's Careless Love and 2006's Half the Perfect World and a bold step into previously unexplored psychological terrain. Produced, like its two predecessors, by Larry Klein, this fluid and enthralling new work is Peyroux's most personal yet, hardly surprising considering she had a hand in writing each of the 11 songs, marking the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. 6 pQbh* $d +n},[C{ 曲目列表: 4YmN3i mK);NvJ! 01 - Instead JOA_2qa>\ 02 - Bare Bones 49
;2tl;F 03 - Damn The Circumstances Y unY'xY 04 - River Of Tears gEBwn2 05 - You Can't Do Me j. m(Z} 06 - Love And Treachery } XJZw|n 07 - Our Lady Of Pigalle bktw?{h 08 - Homeless Happiness /P8`)?f~y 09 - To Love You All Over Again [HV9KAoA 10 - I Must Be Saved #;#r4sJwU 11 - Somethin' Grand