本页主题: 2010年 肖馬運程+肖羊運程+肖猴運程- 英语 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 新人


 2010年 肖馬運程+肖羊運程+肖猴運程- 英语

Horse in 2010 _C\b,D}p  
Born in the Year: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 Hf iM]^  
zL'n J  
Element: earth, metal, water, wood, fire, earth, metal, water ]FBfh.#X@  
y;jyfc$ `  
Overall Prediction & Improvement Advice 91XHz14  
1918 & 1978: Good. Walk Into A Deal Carefully; Walk Out From It Confidently. 3R><AFMY?  
1930 & 1990: V. Good. They Say Life Is Short; Good Times Are Even Shorter; Safe For The Rainy Days. c[$oR,2b13  
1942 & 2002: Good. If You Think Advice is Cheap; Wait Till You See Your Lawyer’s Bill. ~^*tIIOX  
= Yk$Q\c  
1954: Average. If You Are So Skeptical About Others; You Should Be Growing Your Own Vegetable & Collecting Your Own Water. W| p?KJk)  
1966: Good. You, Like The Taxi Driver & Barber Should Be In Politics. That Would Be Interesting To Watch. !@X#{  
Good Stars: Gold Smith, 3 Stage, General Star aRmS{X3  
8Bvjj|~ (@  
Bad Stars: Flying Seal, Year Seal, 5 Ghosts & Court Seal Yt^+31/%  
Zn/ /u<D  
Horses` Characteristics: :xV&%Qa1  
You are a carefree person. You love and stress more on freedom more than any other people. You hate regulation and control. You are your Law. You have very strong innate drive, having the `always can do more` mentality. You are fast in your action and like to act first and answer later. You lead and conquer but cannot be subdued. You enjoy courtship and recognition and are fantastic lover. You are a Stallion. PhS"tOGtX  
? 6l::M  
Horses` 2010 Luck: ?H`LrL/k  
Your luck will continue to be good this year. The good stars are in the area of business and work so that means entrepreneurs, businessmen and those working will benefit greatly this year. You may think or take that to be a certainty since the economy is improving. My friend, there were people who had gone bankrupt and lost all their wealth even during the peak of the economic cycle. But here is another less predictable prediction; some Horses will get into trouble with the Law or get tangled in some kinds of law suits. There are so many trap stars, meaning trouble there will be. You may be the innocent party who get caught in a scam or some unfair business contracts but some may be reaping what they had sowed. ')+EW" e  
Among all the horoscopes, the Horse horoscope businessmen and working personnel have to be very careful and alert to avoid all these pit holes. =DgD&_  
2,\u Y}4  
Not much lottery luck this year, you make more money by turning your hobbies or talents into some extra business activities than from a gambling table. 1jyWP#M#  
The are no good and bad star in the area of family life. So expect things to be smooth back home. But be more sensitive to your neighbors as troubles are likely to come from them rather than from your family. Be the tolerant ones; do not pick up axe too quickly. Turn the volume down when you watch the World Cup and clear all the shoes outside your door. /%7eo?@,  
Some people have so many shoes outside their door way as if they occupy the entire floor. And these are the people who don’t believe in washing shoes. O\w%E@9Fh  
For those in courtship or seeking for a relationship, it is better to change oneself than to expect the other party to change. What you can control, you control; what you cannot control, don’t let it control you. @&+ 1b=  
For those in school, you need to seriously glue your butt to the chair if you want to pass this year. Hacking into the school system to get your examination paper is very cool but at the same time very stupid. Chances are you will be caught and get expelled. If that happens you will have no more future in this country; migrate right away. You will also get into some f19 i !  
SYL$ ?kl  
peculiar or funny situations; whatever it is, don’t use any illegal mean to solve it; approach your parents. But like most parents who are unapproachable and not understanding; approach other responsible adults. Getting opinion from your equally inexperienced classmates are not going to help a lot. b<8h\fR#'  
5c#L6 dA)  
For the Elderly , evening walks can do wonders to your health. Take things easy and don’t lose your cool. Don’t get involved in any investment that promises quick money otherwise you may lose your coffin money eventually. Do not get involved in other people’s business. If you are healthy, you can still make some money even at your age. You sure can. =h)H`  
=aCv Xa&,  
Goat in 2010 a AuQw  
Born in the Year: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 ,y.0 Cb0  
Element: earth, metal, water, wood, fire, earth, metal, water ]k8XLgJ  
[{ pc1U-  
Overall Prediction & Improvement Advice ^\!p ;R  
1919 & 1979: Good. The Difference Between Working Hard and Working Smart is, the Former is Hard Work. BhKxI  
1931 & 1991: Good. Parents Are Only As Bad Listener As When The Children Are Absorbed In the Games. nxt1Y04,H  
1943 & 2003: V. Good. Smile to the Unhappy Ones, Give to The Poor Ones, Advise The Lost Ones, And Love All Like Your Ones. Dt ?Fs  
1955 : Average. If You Fight Fire With Fire, Obviously You Are Very Disorganized. qr@,92_  
1967: Good. You Who Cherish Small Things Will Have Bigger Things Installed For You. L*Y}pO  
Good Stars: Whip Star, Heaven Happiness, Moon Grace 5v3B8 @CsA  
Bad Stars: Small Tribulation, Death Seal, Yellow Sail R Q 8okA  
Goats` Characteristics: Cw_<t  
K(p1+ GHC  
You are basically a hardworking and down to earth person. Peaceful by nature, you are not quick to make impression and are barely status-crazy. You don’t like people to disturb you and mostly you are in your own world, enjoying what you do best, with or without getting the credit. But when it comes to affairs of the heart you will fight relentlessly even if ,wV2ZEW}e  
the odds are against you. You are a good and reliable partner who is willing to go through thick and thin for your comrades and loved ones. Your sacrificial nature is most `/U:u9H9v  
valuable though often being abused. 5Z:HCp-aG  
Goats` 2010 Luck: itP_Vxo/H  
The Goat horoscope people will see a year mixed with happiness and sadness. But that’s what life is about; isn’t it? Sometimes good news, sometimes bad. On the business front; your luck will be better than last year but much still depend on your effort. If you sit and wait for heaven to drop manna, good for you; just keep on waiting. Those with business exhF5,AW|K  
wFvilF V  
or work that operates at nights, like the money or commodities markets’ agents will do very well. Even the taxi uncles who drive at night will earn more than those who operate during the day. What about, you work in the day but party at night? Same, you will do very well but only in the party. The trick to all businessmen and those working is to stay SbZk{lWcq  
happy and spread cheers and joy to others. Be generous and approachable. If you are always negative and put on a long face; good luck will not want to draw near you. So smile at everyone when you are in the 4D queue. People may shun you but the good stars will come near you. u/zC$L3B(  
Family luck on other hand may not be as glamorous as your business or career luck. As long as you play your part as a good spouse and parent; things should be fine. Always pray for your family protection and safety. Feng-shui tools are good but they have their limitations; supernatural arrows can be blocked by some feng-shui tools but easier to be crushed OjCT%6hy;  
by divine intervention. Families that play together, stay together; if you love to travel for holidays but you are lazy to bring your family; your children will feel the same way when they grow up. K.%E=^~q  
For those singles or dating, you will enjoy a good and romantic year but before you rush into marriage, see if you can stand each other during the bad times. Nothing to test during the good times. a'\`Mi@rb  
Goat students are typically hardworking but not necessarily born to be the most intelligent. But that’s a blessing itself as they cherish what they could achieve in different stages of their lives. This year may see some unexpected bad results or silly mistakes being made. Don’t be too self-reprimanding. At long as you learn from them; the mistakes you made kO.rgW82  
carry valuable lessons in themselves. 3w@)/ujn  
For the Elderly Goats, if it is time to rest and relax, please do so. Your bones are no longer as strong as before. You strive to be independent but any over exertion may backfire and make people having to care for you more. Also remember to hang a smiling face and stay happy. @6gz)  p  
MONKEY in 2010 t.w?OyO  
pZR^ HOq  
Born in the Year: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 giTlXz3D9  
Element: metal, water, wood, fire, earth, metal, water, wood $^l=#tV  
Overall Prediction & Improvement Advice +vuW 9  
yT>T Vq/e  
1920 & 1980: V. Good. Never mind Whether Your Foresight Is Accurate. You Are Better Than Most People For Having It. DK- =Q~`!  
o ).pF">jh  
1932 & 1992: Good. Never Let Anyone Steal Your Fun Spirits Away. Just Keep Their Volume Down. l9Vim9R5T  
u Qj#U m8  
1944 & 2004: Tough. Enough Is Enough. If You Don’t Know When is Enough; Just Stop Immediately. *be+x RY  
1956: Average. Usually Troubles Have Tell-Tale Signs; The Trouble with Troubles Is These Signs Are Often Ignored Until It Is Too Late. ge` J>2  
1968: Good. If You Smell Something Bad; the First Place to Check is Your Shoes. 9qPP{K,Pq2  
+] {X-R  
Good Stars: Earth Solution, Solution Star, Heaven Solution, Heaven Horse, 8 Pillars r[lHYO  
Bad Stars: Blood Star, Hurdle Star, Sinking Star, Big Tribulation, Broken Arrow & Duke Clash Star 8 jT"H ZB6  
Monkeys` Characteristics:  :DD4BY  
Intelligent and versatile are the 2 common traits you have. You have great problem-solving skills and are fast workers. The problems that come along with these positive traits are you tend to make silly mistakes and are pretty unorganized beings. You often drive your partner mad. Yet, you exhibit such charms and aura that get many people captivated. You Qw ^tzP8  
oM VJ+#[x  
know how to make others happy and get them motivated. Many may be jealous of you but you know how to win them over through your silly means. cD>o(#x]  
|N g[^  
Monkeys` 2010 Luck: 2.[qcs3zl  
LY >JE6zTt  
Rise and shine, Monkey horoscope business people and those working. This is one of your best years yet to make money. Look for challenges and take the challenges head on for behind each challenge lies a mountain of gold. Conversely, if you are too afraid and don’t dare to do anything at all ( which some of you are too scared to), you won’t benefit as 9W8Dp?:  
much. If you have an overseas assignment, take it. To Afghanistan or to East Timor, take it, these are lands of gold mines (not land mines). Some people have the most misguided notion that successful businessmen have it easily and comfortably made out for them. The reality is very contrary to this belief. All entrepreneurs have spent more hours, made <Du*Re6g  
more sacrifices and took more risks than an average person. In short, no trouble no opportunity, no opportunity no money. Does the 2 casinos fit the picture of troubles and opportunities? We rest our case. ;~K($_#H  
{L0w& ~$Fy  
The things to look out for though this year is the Blood Star. It is not necessary a fatal star; depending on its proximity of landing. Donate as much blood out as possible so It does not smell you easily. EAI[J&c  
f]lDJ?+ M  
\<8!b {F  
Family luck is moderate for the Monkey people. Not eventful so to speak; so don’t ask for troubles. Don’t be flashy and avoid all instances of conflicts. Don’t quarrel with your neighbors. Don’t park in double lot. Don’t polish your car everyday. During the World Cup; keep the volume of your TV and your yelling down; even if you owned a room of Heinekens. Don’t have too many shoes outside your doorway that they go into your neighbor's territory. Realize the hint? We don’t want you to get killed this year. &yN<@.  
Na nU%# &  
&zT~3 >2  
For those who are still schooling, should be mindful of safety when crossing the road. Same applies to sports or extra curriculum activities. You don’t have to run to finish the race if you think you cannot make it; if the PTI or teachers punish you; complain them to their authorities or call the reporters. You got only 1 heart and 1 life. w5;EnI  
Old Monkeys please used the traffic lights or overhead bridges. Lottery luck is around but that does not mean you should visit the casinos day in day out. Before you get addicted, ask your children to black list you with the gambling agency. Better just to buy some Toto and 4D once in a while. p<jr&zVEc>  
k (R4-"@  
oHYD6 qJX{  
顶端 Posted: 2010-02-04 03:37 | [楼 主]
级别: 强的不是人



顶端 Posted: 2010-02-08 18:11 | 1 楼
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