果汁功能 c>!>D7:7 =nA;,9% 6"[`"~9'V 苹果汁 Apple Juice : +kH*BhSj 调理肠胃,促进肾机能,预防高血压 ?nB).fc Regulates Gastro-Intestinal Regulation & Increases Renal Function `HgT5} :De}5BMy 葡萄柚汁 Grapefruit Juice : q*@7A6:FV> 降低胆固醇,预防感冒及牙齦出血 WY?(C@>s Lower Cholesterol & Prevents Common Cold 9X@y*;w<t /^DDU!=(< 奇异果汁 Kiwi Fruit Juice : =!9+f 含丰富维他命C,清热生津,止吐泻 7zVaj"N( Contains Rich Vitamin C ;6L<Syl5 K;_p>bI5 芒果汁 Mango Juice : %$Wt"~WE"O 帮助消化,防止晕船呕吐 :!N 5daK Lower Indigestion & Prevents sea sickness and Vomiting E4HG`_cWb u\ytiGO* 凤梨汁 Pineapple Juice : +T
[0r 消肿怯溼,帮助消化,舒缓喉咙疼痛 UALwr>+VJ Lower Indigestion & Soothes Sorethroat R
5r )01 TWQf2 木瓜汁 Papaya Juice : `;*Wt9 消滞润肺,帮住消化蛋白质 tKo^A:M Prevents Indigestion & Helps Absorption of Protein .O3i"X] c|:H/Y2n| 西瓜汁Water Melon Juice : SBAq,F' 消暑利尿,降血压 O=MO M Prevents Heat Stroke & Lowers High Blood Pressure be$wGO=Ts ;q6:*H/ 红萝卜汁 Carrot Juice : PGP9-M 刺激胆汁分泌,中和胆固醇,增加肠壁弹性,安抚神经 x{Gb4=?l Neutralizes Cholesterol TRcY! %QVX1\>] 芹菜汁 Celery Juice : bb$1RLyRL 补充体力,舒缓焦虑、压力 @PZ&/F^ Lowers Nervous Tension & Stress a_L&*%; tcwE.>5O 香蕉汁 Banana Juice : S@z$,}Yc`< 提高精力,强健肌肉,滋润肺肠,血脉畅通 ]B:g<}5$4 Enhances Blood Flow p;"pTGoWi lHV
bn7 葡萄汁 Grape Juice : SM@l4GH 调节心跳,补血安神,加强肾、肝功能,帮助消化 Um4
} ` Increases Blood Cell, Kidney & Liver Function" tUGnD<P 6s
Rn_y 柠檬汁 Lemon Juice : tt{,f1v0t 含丰富维他命C,止咳化痰,有助排除体内毒素 4G;+ETp Contains Rich Vitamin C %njX'7^u $iEM$ 柳橙汁 Orange Juice : &0It"17Ej 滋润健胃,强化血管,可预防心臟病、中风、伤风、感冒和瘀伤 @7"xDgA Prevents Heart Attack, Stroke, Common Cold & Influenza b
PnFU{N 哈密瓜汁 Cantaloupe Juice : Ib*l{cxN 消暑解燥,生津止渴 }wC
pr.@ Lower Heat Stroke & Nervous Tension aM9^V MOb <[Q#}/$" 草莓汁 Strawberry Juice : ?#<Fxme 利尿止泻,强健神经,补充血液 Fs|fo-+H}k Increases Nervous Function & Replaces Blood Volume UkG|5P` ^IjKT 梨汁 Pear Juice : ipQJn_:2 能维持心臟,血管正常运作,去除体内毒素 wlAlIvIT Maintains Heart Blood Vessel Function & Eliminates Blood Toxin R."<he ; (i.MxGDd 椰子汁 Coconut Juice : (WVN*OR? 预防心臟病,关节炎和癌症,强健肌肤,滋润止咳 gLsl/G Prevents Heart Attack & Arthritis