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$m>N [影片名稱]:劳尔的遗产 L Heritage de Laure 1996 中文字幕
soQzIx [影片格式]:MP4
q\y# [檔案大小]:2.49GB
il cy/ [影片時間]:1:26:30
.Xz"NyW [有 無碼]:無
[-Tt11 [影片語言] :法語
f9XO9N,hE: [解像度 ]:720 X 480
`pAp[]SfQd 導演: Christophe Clark
4i\aW:_'i 工作室: Marc Dorcel
~uZLe\>K 演員: Laure Sainclair, Anita Blond, Monika , Bernadette, Aniko, Regina, Andrew Youngman (飾演 Andrew Broves), Andrea Nannetti, Victoria Queen, Christoph Clark, Frank Gun, John Walton, Mike
Iv{ 剧情简介
LOUKURe E Setting up a "close encounter" with the very sexy girls of a whorehouse she had just inherited, Laure starts improving their sexual know-how and behaviour. She preaches by example with her bodyguard, with selected clients and even with the former owner's widow in a friendly lesbian affair.
_E<O+leWf }V#9tWW 匈牙利黑手党教父 亚历斯-费伦兹死于自然,原因是他脆弱的心脏无法抵御最新的妻子维多利亚的需索.亚历斯生前答应把遗产全给她,但死后却把遗产给了他的秘密女儿劳尔,两个女的争夺遗产。
i2}=/ V?V)&y] 4 9Glfi@. C`~4q<W' 【解压密码】:无需解压,将后缀"zip"改为"MP4"即可播放
-anFt+f- (zro7gKked 【下载地址】:
/Zeg\}/4[ http://www.xunniuwp.com/file-4770152.html e5>5/l]jsg i_'R"ob{S https://www.567inc.com/file-2472365.html 'UXj\vJ3E