J(H??9(s 专辑名称:Off The Radar
_:oMyK' 歌手姓名:Ally Kerr
h #$_<U 唱片公司:Much Obliged
(or =f` 发行日期:2008年4月xx日
OJh+[bf" 专辑流派:Indie/Pop
H 推荐指数:4星
5%vP~vy_} 54, Ju'r 专辑介绍:
7Y| Wy
Oq ,C5@P+A Glasgow's Ally Kerr does a nice line in pop songs and "Off the
$`cy'ZaF Radar" provides us with the opportunity to enjoy 12 more of
tyBg7dP his little pop masterpieces.
|:`?A3^m# UHTb61Gs Opening the album is "Could Have Been a Contender" - all
polished pop perfection that brings back memories of the
NZC<m$') jaunty hits of the Housemartins and their catalogue of
]9!Gg intelligent and catchy songs. "I Think I'm Bleeding" has an
!XG/,)A underlying country flavour to it. Whilst once again presented
tSw~_s_V as a happy little song, there is more than a touch of
zIX}[l4EW~ bitterness in his words. Funnily enough, the rather twee "The
d{D3e[p^ Toothbrush Song" would also make a quality country song due to
x`j_d:C~G its dry lyrics even if a cowboy would feel the need to
<"j"h=tm} accompany such emotions with bourbon rather than sparkling
2n"*)3Qj mineral water.
4AG&z,[ [U+<uZzOC The pace picks up with the title track "Off the Radar" that
_.s\qQ truly highlights Mr Kerr's pop sensibilities and offsets his
z@u~ laidback vocal delivery with some spirited guitar. Loves lost
C/grrw and won (mostly lost though? and a sense of reflection on his
M[&.kH younger years seem a common theme to the songs in this album
RMs1{64: and, indeed, regret is once more evident in "Is It Too Late to
j[Hg] Work for NASA" even if it is disguised here with wry humour.
jHUz`.8B If Bluesbunny closes his eyes, on "Mystery Star" Ally Kerr
.1l[l5$ seems to transform himself into Edinburgh master popsters
d-_93 Dropkick and there are certainly worse things to be than that.
t 's5~ If Bluesbunny had to pick a favourite track, it would probably
\dQ2[Ek be "Amorino" evoking, as it does, the melancholic pleasures of
'h+4zvI"8 heartbreak.
*1;L,*J"| 123-i,epg The thing that impresses most about this album is the songs
>*U themselves. Well crafted and melodic with sharp and observant
9h)P8B.>M lyrics, they are however presented as a whole lot fluffier
:W1tIB than they actually are. It must be Ally Kerr's choice to do so
h;mQ%9 Yd but it does seem that he is deliberately avoiding giving any
UVvt&=+4 kind of offense. Maybe he never gets angry himself - although
QRn:=J%W W his words suggest otherwise -but Bluesbunny feels that he is
%'p|JS doing his own songs a disservice here by sprinkling an inch of
$UP icing sugar on everything. It is not necessary for everything
LOYyj?^7 in life to have a cherry on top for it to be appetising.
_j?=&tc >LRaIU> Overall, this is a happy, upbeat album that is just a bit too
YP@?j polite and well mannered to try and force itself upon your
#|2g{7g* affections. The production and arrangements are smoother than
q@=#`74 6e your average Starbuck's decaf latte but it is perhaps fair
BtH ? comment to say that the omnipresent sugar coating will suit
<=LsloI his fans. However, and maybe this is a reviewer thing, a bit
/ux#U]x of fire and even some unpredictability would have been
/^Bj welcome. Then again, the Bluesbunny was always a quadruple
u9[w~U# espresso kind of guy.
,L;c{[*rh 6CzvRvA*P ,4?|}xg Ally Kerr是来自苏格兰的Indie pop乐队(也是主唱的名字),融合了苏格兰传统民谣和清新独立流行风格,延续了Indie一贯的清新吉他风格。悦耳而淳朴,凄美而哀伤,有那么一丝丝迷惘,当你聆听Calling Out To You这张专辑的时候这一类的形容词可能会脱口而出。这样悦耳动听的音乐出自格拉斯哥唱作人Ally Kerr之手。继Belle & Sebastian, Camera Obscura 之后,苏格兰的indie 风暴就从未停止过,如今Ally Kerr继续着他们的征程。他不仅继承苏格兰indie pop团惯有的风格,从Ally Kerr身上,我们还能够体会到那种异乎寻常的与众不同的气质。在苏格兰,人们将他称之为“最富生趣和最创造性的音乐家”。2004年Ally Kerr在日本发行唱片,是真正为了追求梦想的音乐人。而后为TV动画《虫师》演唱的OP"The Sore Feet Song",使Ally Kerr为更多的人所熟知。(来自网络)
f+(w(~O ZYp-dlEXq ?R~Ye 曲目列表:
j$/uJ` $DMu~wwfG 1. Could HAve Been A Contender
iH -x 2. Be The One
JpQ 3. I Think I'm Bleeding
g\mrRZ/? 4. There's A World
*/@bNT9BgO 5. The Toothbrush Song
wBaFC\CW 6. Off The Radar
T;vPR,]rz 7. Old Friend
,)\5O0 D6 8. Is It Too Late To Work For NASA?
ry<}DK<u 9. Mystery Star
0GLB3I > 10. Amorino
rzY@H }u 11. The Truth That I Have Earned
%EhU!K#[ 12. Footprints