/l)|B sPod)w?e GqT0SP 蘋果汁 Apple Juice : (>
{CwtH][ 調理腸胃,促進腎機能,預防高血壓 (Q /Kp*a Regulates Gastro-Intestinal Regulation & Increases Renal Function zKP{A Sk A/%+AH( 葡萄柚汁 Grapefruit Juice : J_H=GHMp} 降低膽固醇,預防感冒及牙齦出血 jZ5 mpYUO Lower Cholesterol & Prevents Common Cold N;A#K7A[@ 6_.K9;Gd 奇異果汁 Kiwi Fruit Juice : A3#^R%2)W 含豐富維他命C,清熱生津,止吐瀉 "yo~;[
Contains Rich Vitamin C (r ]3tGp t;?TXAA 芒果汁 Mango Juice : |~y>R#u8pm 幫助消化,防止暈船嘔吐 6*({ZE Lower Indigestion & Prevents sea sickness and Vomiting *NEA(9 ofu
{g 鳳梨汁 Pineapple Juice : -hpJL\ng 消腫怯溼,幫助消化,舒緩喉嚨疼痛 \>%.ktG Lower Indigestion & Soothes Sorethroat REe<k<>p~ c2aW4TX2 木瓜汁 Papaya Juice : .-[d6Pnw 消滯潤肺,幫住消化蛋白質 l\NVnXv:> Prevents Indigestion & Helps Absorption of Protein Gd]!D~[1 B"903g 1 西瓜汁Water Melon Juice : zxV,v*L) 消暑利尿,降血壓 NdlJdq Prevents Heat Stroke & Lowers High Blood Pressure F*bmV>Qq g3`:d)| 紅蘿蔔汁 Carrot Juice : M2.Pf s 刺激膽汁分泌,中和膽固醇,增加腸壁彈性,安撫神經 IQ`#M~: Neutralizes Cholesterol ,vn
HEY& wP <) 芹菜汁 Celery Juice : aUBGp: ( 補充體力,舒緩焦慮、壓力 ;Az9p h Lowers Nervous Tension & Stress c~0hu*& z'(]
[SB 香蕉汁 Banana Juice : J!5>8I(_wX 提高精力,強健肌肉,滋潤肺腸,血脈暢通 >C1**GQ Enhances Blood Flow aIA9rn Eed5sm$H 葡萄汁 Grape Juice : *s"
dCc 調節心跳,補血安神,加強腎、肝功能,幫助消化 h)MU^aP Increases Blood Cell, Kidney & Liver Function" t.7KS: Tr}
% 檸檬汁 Lemon Juice : @
z{E 含豐富維他命C,止咳化痰,有助排除體內毒素 ^zv,VD Contains Rich Vitamin C BM@:=>ypQ ')8
c 柳橙汁 Orange Juice : ir-= @@ 滋潤健胃,強化血管,可預防心臟病、中風、傷風、感冒和瘀傷 me7? Prevents Heart Attack, Stroke, Common Cold & Influenza (eOzntp8 ZE!dg^-L 哈密瓜汁 Cantaloupe Juice : "i}?jf
{a 消暑解燥,生津止渴 xP3v65Q1 Lower Heat Stroke & Nervous Tension Mu>GgQSZ o!";&\,Ip 草莓汁 Strawberry Juice : G8dC5+h 利尿止瀉,強健神經,補充血液 I4{uw ge Increases Nervous Function & Replaces Blood Volume J}U); A 4XpW#> 梨汁 Pear Juice : >
2_xRn<P 能維持心臟,血管正常運作,去除體內毒素 gw' uY$ Maintains Heart Blood Vessel Function & Eliminates Blood Toxin mRU-M| #$7d1bx 椰子汁 Coconut Juice : AdB B#zd 預防心臟病,關節炎和癌症,強健肌膚,滋潤止咳 .RFijr Prevents Heart Attack & Arthritis