\sRRLDj% z*9/ "M 專輯名稱:Nothing Happens For A Reason
.272q<. 歌手姓名:Pompeii
T>?sPq 唱片公司:Eyeball
9qqEr~ 發行日期:2008年10月21日
?94da4p 推荐指数:4星
_$=xa6YA 1eb1Lvn 专辑介绍:
`I'=d4 ~$Mp >ZB2W Imagine if you somehow found a way to release your heartfelt admissions and fears with grace and intelligence. Enter Austin quintet Pompeii, whose subtly haunting indie rock anthems are laden with smart, soaring instrumentals and just the right amount of discretion. "Nothing Happens For A Reason," the sophomore effort from Pompeii, brings each listener a harmonic masterpiece filled with grand symphonic nuances.
BB|{VwN @cjhri|vH 曲目列表:
crhck'?0 [Cr_2 01. Where We're Going, We Don't Need Roads
UiYA#m 02. Rabbit Ears
01w=;Q 03. What Kind Of Future
}xdI{E1 q) 04. False Alarm
YJ75dXc&& 05. Pillars
-k<.Q=]<t 06. The Viking
8D+OF 6CM 07. Ready/Not Ready
O-&n5 08. Until You're Floating
<o]tW4\(R 09. Knots
10. Sit And Wait
q2hZ1o 11. Nothing Happens For A Reason