BbW^Wxd3 专辑名称:Gift Of Screws
kgnmGuka 歌手姓名:Lindsey Buckingham
p2 F 唱片公司:Reprise
`dFq:8v 发行日期:2008年9月16日
wp#'nO 专辑流派:Rock
eAXc:222 推荐指数:4星
AC6Snu1 n1~o1 专辑介绍:
3 DD ML, hJn%mdx~w| Fleetwood Mac's Lindsey Buckingham will release his fifth solo
z8QAo\_I( album 'Gift of Screws' on September 15th on Reprise. The album is
1nQWW9i his first since 2006's acoustically focused 'Under The Skin'.
L:cY Primarily recorded and self-produced at his home studio and on the
road during the 'Under The Skin' tour, the album also features two
vV[eWd.o6M songs co-produced by Rob Cavallo (Green Day, My Chemical Romance).
7N-w eX Mixing the immediacy of the best of his contributions to Fleetwood
JQV%fTH S Mac with experimental production flourishes, highlights of the set
$UgA0]qn include 'Bel Air Rain', 'Time Precious Time', 'Underground, 'Love
GqWB{$J;" Runs Deeper' and 'Treason'. "You could certainly say this album is
j:k[90 a distillation of a number periods of time, some false starts to
j)#k)x make albums, certainly some songs that go back a number of years,
4G$|Rx[{, that took a while to find a home here, combined with brand-new
:X.b}^ Z( songs and a whole other outlook," explains Buckingham. "And the
MP_'D+LS fact that there was a kind of tenacity and focus to want to bring
)Z(TCJ~~! all of this together in one place. The fact that as an artist I'm
nyBJb(5"B still, for better or worse, clinging to my idealism and to my
J13>i7]L% sense that there is still yet much to be said. This is a
L%Ow#.[C2 culmination of that." "The first one was more of a boutique kind
IkBei&4F` of album," he adds by way of comparing 'Under The Skin' with
Nt 'Gift of Screws'. "It's almost like the opening act and then the
kBYNf = headline act in terms of the kind of approach. Here I'm bringing
aCQ?fq to bear many more aspects of what I can do - guitar solos, just
_h X]% rocking a lot more in addition to the other things. It does rock
|55N?=8 more! And they do seem to complement each other." The album also
5D_fXfx_| features the unmistakable sound of the Fleetwood Mac rhythm
g{8,Wx,, section, as John McVie and Mick Fleetwood contribute to several
sYjpU songs including the title-track and 'Wait For You'.
:@ %4 R,F[XI+=N Lindsey Buckingham,西海岸民谣摇滚乐团Fleetwood Mac的灵魂吉他主唱.
u[L`-zI !R1.7}O 曲目列表:
Fb7#<h dZi(&s 01 Great Day
F{eU";D 02 Time Precious Time
,!dh2xNH^ 03 Did You Miss Me
o'W5|Gy 04 Wait for You
BFH 05 Love Runs Deeper
jFA{+Yr1 06 Bel Air Rain
t%'Z<DmG+ 07 The Right Place to Fade
Q\cjPc0y 08 Gift of Screws
\|E^v6E%0 09 Underground
0%m)@ukb 10 Treason