@@=,bO 7?\r9bD 专辑名称:Until We're Dead
NWj4U3x 歌手姓名:Star Fucking Hipsters
gl!ht@;>ak 唱片公司:Fat Wreck Chords
$paE6X^ 发行日期:2008年9月30日
& d* bQv$ 专辑流派:Punk
?<^^.Si 推荐指数:4星
+% 专辑介绍:
Pd~z%VoO ]PbwG Star Fucking Hipsters draws its talent from a myriad of punk bands like The Slackers, Chocking Victim, Leftover Crack and The Degenerics. If the former members of Leftover Crack are still any kind of leftovers, they are the kind that taste better the next day.
?i}wm` milQxSpj Frank D. Generic, Ara Slack, Yula Beeri, Sturg Fuckin' Hipster, and Nico de Gaillo like to mesh leftist politics with the “ethics” of true punk, as interpreted by each member’s unique style. The fabulous five recorded a demo which was fine-tuned by NOFX’s Fat Mike and will be unleashed on the world via Fat Wreck Chords at the end of September.
DB5u 曲目列表:
^ tVIPH.R _,w*Rv5= 1 Introducción a los Hipsters
%m$t'? 2 Until We're Dead
id]}10 3 Immigrants & Hypocrites
Y>K8^GS 4 Two Cups Of Tea
N5b&tJbM0 5 Empty Lives
A$?o3--#]G 6 Snitch To The Future
e)E38 7 Only Sleep
S}K-\[i? 8 9/11 Was (An Inside Joke)
-#g0 9 The Path Is Paved
zV?6e 10 Zombie Christ
f?"909& 11 This Wal-Mart Life
H-8_&E?6m 12 Broken
2-^['R 13 Death Or Fight