f9OVylm R2u[IVZW:- 電影名稱:放.逐
"kf7??Z DVD Type: DVD-9
Ct"h.rD ] 影像制式: NTSC
8]2S'mxE 導 演: 杜琪峰
jC;XY !d6 演 員: 黃秋生、吳鎮宇、張家輝、林雪、張耀揚、何超儀、任達華、張兆輝、林家棟、任賢齊、許紹雄、陳雅倫
(Rs<'1+> 出版日期 : 2006年12月20日
#4d0/28b 語言: 國語, 粵語
97$y,a{6 字幕: 簡體中文, 英文, 繁體中文
N}.h_~6 電影級別: III
/Q{Jf+>R> 出品商: 鉅星 (HK)
?^,GaZ^V 內容:
<}i\fJX6 * Screen Format: 16:9 Anamorphic Widescreen
/mqEc9sq, * Sound Mix: DTS ES, Dolby Surround-EX
QE-t v00 * DVD Type: DVD-9
5l{_E:.1 * Special Features:
nLo:\I( 1. Trailer 預告
mN~;MR; 2. Making Of 製作特輯
% 3. Making Of (Short Version 1-7) 製作特輯 (精華版 1-7)
V3F2Z_VH2 4. Behind The Scene 製作花絮
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FE5sW 簡介:
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_#G 殺手和(張家輝)為妻靜(何超儀)和BB重返澳門落地生根,昔日好兄弟火(黃秋生)與肥(林雪)奉大佬大飛(任達華)命來殺他,但另一對好兄弟泰(吳鎮宇)與貓(張耀揚)為情義來保護他,五人衝突驟然而起......念及友情,四人讓和為家庭做最後一宗買賣。
c;wt9J.f gsT%_2>CL 亂世的Liberdade酒店是罪惡蘊藏,四人隨和來到這裡,遇上老闆謝夫(張兆輝)。謝夫提出兩個選擇,一是暗殺澳門大佬,一是搶奪一噸黃金。和選擇前者,但卻命喪槍下。靜視火等為殺夫仇人,不惜一切追殺他們。宿命安排下,火四人意外來到搶金地點,衝突中得到黃金,並結識神鎗手陳警司(任賢齊),眾人惺惺相惜。正當一行人準備遠走高飛之際,火收到大飛電話: 靜和BB在他手上。
t{x&|%u @8V8gV?zm 火四人知道阿靜被困酒店,毅然折返,把她們母子營救出來。面對大飛人馬,他們早有準備豁出性命…
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.e Urzu The time is 1998. The setting is Macau. Every living soul jumps at every chance to make quick money before the Portuguese colony ushers in a new era under the Chinese rule. For the jaded hit men, they wonder where this journey will end. Against this background of fin-de-si?cle malaise come two hit men from Hong Kong sent to take out a renegade member trying to turn over a new leaf with his wife and newborn baby. They soon find themselves in the throes of a dilemma when two of their former associates also show up, intent on thwarting them at every cost.