產品名稱 : 魔怪屋 (粵語版) (香港版)
=n7QL QU 藝人名稱 : 史提芬 史提芬史匹堡 | Gil Kenan
i-Er|u; W 出版日期 : 2006年10月20日
語言 : 粵語
ny'?Hl'Q 字幕 : 不提供字幕
F`))qCgg] 文件大小:1G
)jc`_{PQg 電影級別 : IIA
/zV&ebN] 重量(連包裝) : 110 g
oU"!"t 出品商 : 年代 (HK)
#s%_ L 其他資料 : 2VCDs
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<, b%A+k"d 《魔怪屋 (粵語版) (香港版)》內容簡介
cCa+UTxaJ }3HN$Fwo 導演︰Gil Kenan
b5!D('w>] Director: Gil Kenan
]40@yrc CmP_9M?ce 十二歲[口既]靚仔DJ人細鬼大,想法古怪。佢成日話屋企附近個阿伯間屋係會食人魔怪屋,間怪屋乜都擺落口,唔單只食DJ玩具、仲食埋佢隔離班個同學,甚至仲吞埋古怪阿伯個老婆落肚,但從來沒有人相信DJ所講[口既]?……
_@-:(O ?/3'j(Gk 直至DJ個肥仔同學走去「挑釁」間屋,仲親身領教過間屋厲害,先發現DJ講[口既]係真!於是兩個唔識死細路帶埋女同學Jenny一齊走入屋入面展開佢地魔怪屋奇幻旅程……
^W#161& Tew?e&eO Twelve-year-old DJ Walters, who is caught in that awkward moment between childhood and the onset of puberty, has too much time on his hands and has taken it into his head that there's something weird about old man Nebbercracker's house across the street. Things keep disappearing into the dilapidated structure: basketballs, tricycles, toys and pets. Come to think of it, whatever happened to Mrs. Nebbercracker?
[ 此贴被zbc789在2006-12-02 15:23重新编辑 ]