本页主题: The Lost Trailers : Holler Back[Country][198kbps avg][52M] 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 新人


 The Lost Trailers : Holler Back[Country][198kbps avg][52M]

专辑名称:Holler Back \]Rmq_O  
歌手姓名:The Lost Trailers ppO!v?  
唱片公司:BNA/BMG wL&[Vi_j{  
发行日期:2008年8月26日 Wr,pm#gl6  
专辑流派:Country ( R!.=95@  
推荐指数:4星 ~~#/jULbV  
专辑介绍: ~:-V<r,pe  
Ryder Lee and Stokes Nielson met in a church band as teenagers, and they抳e been making records together ever since. Their high school friendship begat a country band of five called The Lost Trailers, who have blazed their way through hundreds of honkytonks, joints, roadhouses, night clubs and concert halls, building a firewall of pzU:AUW  
fiercely loyal fans. They are a band that came together naturally, matured creatively, perform explosively and have poured all of that into Holler Back, their new album on BNA Records. )(yKm/5 0  
曲目列表: j)}TZx4~  
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1. Holler Back Y }8HJTMB  
2. How 'Bout You Don't GA.cp*2 ~  
3. Blacktop Road W;8}`k  
4. Country Folks (Livin' Loud) hxGo~<. :  
5. Things You Don't Grow out Of ShOB"J-  
6. Hey Baby YV6w}b:  
7. Rest of Us }$:ha>  
8. All This Love 5(y Q-/6C+  
9. Summer of Love W}k)5<C4v  
10. Gravy
附件: the lost trailers-holler back.torrent (16 K) 下载次数:3 [种子详情]
顶端 Posted: 2008-08-28 14:04 | [楼 主]
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