TVB Terminator 未來戰士 01,02,03 英粵繁雙語 TVmpgII 640X480
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F?TAyD* uTngDk 新聞組:
Kh}#At^C8e 完檔朋友,請做3-5小時種,連續3天,我便满意 JuS#p5E #
[原創]已苦,証明也煩,BT@精神 (m25ZhW fC52nK&T8 [节目名称] 24反恐Season5
89@gYA"Su [ 類 型 ] 電視電影
3Jf_3c [語音文字] 英粵繁 雙語
_|`S9Nms [ 格 式 ] TVmpgII
{IJ,y27 [畫面像素] 640X480
QVsOB$ [影像壓縮] 5000K/s
rgJKXl;@s [ 清 晰 ] 高
QGs\af [ 音 質 ] 高
O'*KNJX [檔案大小] 每集380MB
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%4 Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines 未來戰士3殲滅者TX 09:30p.m.
gDa}8!+i 故事發生在第二集之後十年的現代世界。約翰已經25歲了,父母相繼離去,約翰為了逃避未來世界電腦首領天網的追殺,只好四處躲避,獨自漂泊生活。一天,約翰再次遇上T800,高興之餘卻從T800口中得悉天網已派出一超級機械人TX前來追殺約翰,而T800此行的目的當然是要拯救這位熟悉的老朋友。TX是一位女機械人,她擁有超合金的不壞骨骼,身體內部更藏有犀利秘密武器,攻擊能力較之前的T101尤勝百倍。
CI{? Kb 約翰聯同T800攜手合作,是否就天下無敵?他們能否跟美貌與智慧並重的機械人TX相抗衡?
bk44qL;8 A decade has passed since John Connor helped prevent Judgment Day and save mankind from mass destruction. Now 25, Connor lives "off the grid" - no home, no credit cards, no cell phone and no job. No record of his existence. No way he can be traced by Skynet - the highly developed network of machines that once tried to kill him and wage war on humanity. Until... out of the shadows of the future steps the T-X, Skynet's most sophisticated cyborg killing machine yet. Sent back through time to complete the job left unfinished by her predecessor, the T-1000, this machine is as relentless as her human guise is beautiful. Now Connor's only hope for survival is the Terminator, his mysterious former assassin. Together, they must triumph over the technologically superior T-X and forestall the looming threat of Judgment Day...or face the apocalypse and the fall of civilization as we know it.
[ 此贴被ii在2006-07-07 09:19重新编辑过 ]