[美国NBC剧情][终生惩戒 第二季[HDTVrip][中文字幕][04集]
中文名称:终生惩戒 第二季 9BW"^$ 英文名称:Life Season 2 g~ubivl2 别名:重获新生 ;5S'?fj 资源类型:RMVB {v3?.a$u 版本:[人人影视YYeTs中文字幕] 05
56#U&> 发行时间:2008年09月29日 z{;~$." 演员:Damian Lewis ... Charlie Crews (13 episodes, 2007) Owd{; Sarah Shahi ... Dani Reese (13 episodes, 2007) M/<>'%sj Adam Arkin ... Ted Earley / ... (11 episodes, 2007) $)or{Z$& Robin Weigert ... Lt. Karen Davis / ... (10 episodes, 2007) _m0B6?KJ Brooke Langton ... Constance Griffiths / ... (9 episodes, 2007) dV/ ^@[ Brent Sexton ... Robert qXF#qS-28 Jennifer Siebel ... Jennifer Conover (9 episodes, 2007) -!Ov{GHr0 Jessy Schram ... Rachel Seybolt / ... (6 episodes, 2007) ^&[Z@*A8# 地区:美国 dMw7UJ 语言:英语 c+a" sx\ 简介: u7>{#] 5N~JRq\ 剧情简介: 4eD>DW Meet Detective Charlie Crews. Behind him sit tough years of hard prison time for a crime he didn’t commit. Ahead of him lie the 7&O0 challenges of a world that’s moved on without him. Now it’s time to walk through the painful cobwebs of his past and re-enter $X\deJ1Hi the scorn-filled halls of a job he loves. WR:I2-1 来见见侦探查理·克鲁茨吧。回首往事,他含冤入狱,牢底坐穿。展望未来,他在飞速发展的世界面前彷徨。现在,他要撕去不堪回首的曾经往事,重新投入到他心爱的事业之中。 =&8 Cg czG]rl\1 It’s no easy task, especially when his reluctant new partner is as jaded as Dani Reese. Charlie’s appreciation for life’s details not *3R3C+
L only offers up unique insights into each crime, it reminds us of all the little things we take for granted. A!GQ4
.~% 任务并不简单,尤其是他那难缠的新搭档丹妮·里斯(八月忠告市民:美女都难缠)。到查理的世界来吧,查理凭着对生命的领悟,不仅仅会带领你用独特的视角审视每一宗罪案,也会和你一起,思索生活中的每一丝细节。 "@s</HGo "LIFE" -- From Rand Ravich and Far Shariat, the executive producers of the feature film "The Astronaut's Wife," and David Semel, who directed the pilot of NBC's "Heroes," "Life" is a new drama about a detective who is given a second chance. Damian Lewis ("Band of Brothers") stars as complex, offbeat Detective Charlie Crews, who returns to the force after years in prison, thanks to %p; 'l close friend and attorney Constance Griffiths (Melissa Sagemiller, "Sleeper Cell"), after serving time for a crime he didn't commit. b+/z,c6w 拉夫/终生监禁/终生惩戒--还记得1999年强尼·戴普的电影巨作《宇航员之妻》吗?电影的两位监制Rand Ravich和Far Shariat再次联袂出击,这次监制的就是NBC在2007年秋季强档推出的新剧拉夫/终生监禁/终生惩戒。别急,还有高手呢,NBC热播剧集《英雄》的导演David Semel不但参与监制此剧,而且亲执导筒,导演本剧。拉夫/终生监禁/终生惩戒讲述的是一名含冤入狱的侦探获准戴罪立功的故事。在《兄弟连》当中扮演那位勇敢,忠诚,却又如狐狸般狡猾的连长的Damian Lewis,再度上阵,饰演侦探查理·克鲁茨。在含冤入狱数年后,在其好友律师康斯坦斯·格利弗斯(Melissa Sagemiller, 《危机四伏》)的帮助下获准出狱,并重操旧业。