qgB_=Q#E /_.|E] 中文名称:越狱[1-13]
x1<|hTPk 英文名称:Prison Break Season 2[1-13]
9M ]_nP Y 资源类型:RMVB
A}w/OA97RO 导演:Brett Ratner
?A0)L27UE& 演员:Wentworth Miller as 迈克尔?斯科菲尔德
L U Dominic Purcell as 林肯?布伦斯
7$#u Robin Tunney as 维罗妮卡?多诺万
(?];VG Amaury Nolasco as 苏克雷?费尔南多
wM{s|Ay Wade Williams as Captain Brad Bellick
06jQE2z2R Peter Stormare as 约翰 阿布鲁奇
DfB7*+x{ Paul Adelstein as 保罗 克裏曼
d_CT$ Robert Knepper as 帝柏格
MOC/KNb Marshall Allman as LJ
YZ7.1`8 Sarah Wayne Callies as 唐克雷蒂 ?莎拉
=e 地区:美国
~Gw*r\\+ 语言:英语
NlXimq 字幕:中文
afk>+4q s[ N@0 简 介:
r<\u6jF Michael Scofield是一头陷於绝境欲拼死一搏的怒狮,他的兄弟Lincoln Burrows几个月就将被以谋杀罪处以死刑,但Michael坚信他是被冤枉的。为了拯救了自己的手足,Michael抢劫了一家银行,因此而被与 Lincoln关进同一所监狱-- 福克斯河州立监狱。作为一名建筑工程师,他对监狱的建设蓝图瞭若指掌,带着Lincoln逃出生天也成为Michael入狱的唯一目的。
[B3RfCV{ 年长的犯人改造官Bellick教会了Michael很多监狱的生存之道。後来,在狱友Sucre的帮助下,Michael开始与其他帮派广泛结盟,包括前匪首John Abruzzi,和声名狼藉的劫机犯Charles Westmoreland。在监狱外,Michael只有一个盟友--他的辩护律师和老友Veronica Donovan,她也是Lincoln的前女友。
A44 其间,Lincoln 15岁的儿子LJ,由於没有了Michael叔叔的正面影响而开始到处瞎混。其他的角色还包括监狱医生Sara Tancredi,囚犯Warden Pope,他伪装出与Michael几乎如同父子一般的关係。
q\)-BXw: Michael在监狱的日日夜夜,将一步步地发掘出一个使他陷入如此境地的惊天大阴谋。
An engineer (Wentworth Miller) installs himself in a prison he helped designed in order to help his brother (Purcell), a death-row inmate who insists he didn't not commit the crime for which he's been sentenced to die, escape.
?cZlN! This drama focuses on a prison designer who gets himself thrown into one of his own prisons to help his falsely accused brother escape death row. Described as in the vein of The Great Escape , the series will unfold over 22 episodes, charting the course of a single break.