en%B>]QI 【原 名】:Over There Season One
(HJ$lxk<2h 【译 名】:那个地方-伊拉克第1季
, QA9k$` 【类 型】:战争
?OO%5PSe n 【首 播】:2005年7月28日
g8v[)o(qd 【国 家】:美国
P4[]qbfd, 【语 言】:英语
e?1KbJ?. 【字 幕】:中文字幕
jYk5~<\k 播出时间:周三晚10点
Dt|fDw$]D 7@@<5&mN b-4dsz'ai gi 5XP]z 【内容简介】:
Iy.mVtcsZ 美國FX有線電視片集《Over There》
,\}k~ U99 第一部有關伊拉克戰爭的電視片集《Over There》將在美國FX有線電視播出,這是美國電視史上首次在還未撤軍的同時,播出相關內容的戰爭劇集。FX有線電視隸屬澳洲傳媒大亨梅鐸旗下的霍士電視集團,霍士集團向?砉?_支持美國總統布殊出兵伊拉克,但FX有線電視否認播出這部劇集是為攻伊宣傳及爭取支持.
_G[6+g5| `~h0?g From producer Steven Bochco ("NYPD Blue," "L.A. Law," "Hill Street Blues") comes the first scripted television series set in a current, ongoing war involving the United States. Gritty, intense, evocative and emotional, "Over There" takes you to the front lines of battle and explores the effects of war on a U.S. Army unit sent to Iraq on their first tour of duty, as well as the equally powerful effects felt at home by their families and loved ones.
GVZTDrC Unlike any number of movies and TV shows starring middle-age actors portraying American fighting forces in past wars, Over There's combat soldiers look and act like the barely-out-of-high-school young adults (many of whom, in Over There, joined the military out of economic necessity) most of our real-life troops actually are.
b?>VPuyBb )r pD2H Whatever one's feelings about the Iraq war, Bochco and co-writer and director Chris Gerolmo (Citizen X) cut through the politics to get to the individuals whose lives are on the line, who left behind families to find themselves in a most alien environment, fired upon for reasons they may not fully understand. Gerolmo does a superb job of showing us combat conditions in desert sandstorms, with rookie soldiers hanging tough under intense heat while insurgents fire from a distance at anything that moves. This is a new kind of war show, yet in many ways Over There embraces a few sentimental conventions, notably scenes in which the unit's members explain the origins of their nicknames ("Angel," "Dim," "Doublewide," "Mrs. B," and more). In the Bochco tradition, when violence comes, it comes as a grievous surprise
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8"> }v&K~!* 一部讲述伊拉克战争中几名普通美军士兵及其家人的故事的剧集,这也是美国播出的第一部正面反映伊拉克战争的电视剧,导演力图从一个中立的角度来讲述这个故事,对这场战争的性质不予直接评价
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;BQ2[ k|5k8CRX 故事的主角们是驻扎在伊拉克的一个普通班里的五男二女,以及他们在国内的家人。怀揣着各自的梦想,他们从万里之遥的故土来到这片漫漫黄沙掩枯骨的战场。从踏上伊拉克土地的第一天起,他们就明白了战争的血腥残酷,和作为士兵的本职:杀敌,或者说杀人,这与他们以前对战争的想象截然不同。
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tStJ2-5*t 在战争死亡的威胁面前,他们中的有些人成为了所谓英勇杀敌的英雄,也有不少也因此被恐惧吓倒,更多的普通士兵则是在巨大的心理压力,熬过战场上的每一天。有的患病,有的失常。在军队中还存在着性别歧视、种族歧视等诸多问题。
V4Qz*z% I[%M!_+ 等待他们的,将是各自怎样的命运呢?