=jd=Qs IL 到处都是冰冷的
%w|3: 每天晚上只能够抱着自己然后哄着自己入睡
b<8J ;u< 不知道为什么冰冷经常疼爱的拥抱着我
MsiC!j.- 让我无法入眠
Zo638*32 或许现在世上除了寒冷
A[`,3 已再也没有什么在我身边
1J%qbh 6s
"bstc{ 工作、爱情、朋友、亦或是再深爱过的人
*]UEF_ 都慢慢消失不见了
2W-NCE%K)T 冷冷的潮笑自己的无知
^} pREe c= 冷冷的看着镜子里自己苍白的脸
0{Ll4 或许只有冷才能够让自己觉得有点疼痛的感觉
pUEok + 麻木
(j 8,n<o 0dX= 贫穷与孤独也伴随我左右
-"^WDs 像两个不离不泣的恋人
OQb9ijLeK 它们的“爱情”却那样的忠贞
8J(zWV7 r #d i_V" Once
l?<z1Acd& Doesn"t mean anything to me
x{o5Ha{ Come
H 1X]tw. Show me the meaning of complete
%~(i[Ur; Where
t"vO&+x Did our love go wrong
S(T1ua Once we were so strong
R/|{?:r?:x How can I go on?
k0?6.[ku When you told me you loved me
KZNyp%q Did you know it would take me the rest of my life
TD7ONa-, to get over the feeling of knowing
.5xg;Qg\Y A dream didn"t turn out right
`_i-BdW When you let me believe that you weren"t complete
pC8i&_A Without me by your side
v%[mt`I how could I know
That you would go
q(W@=-uDK That you would run
+Z*%,m=N( Baby, I thought you were the one
[ 此贴被点虫虫在2009-04-10 01:36重新编辑 ]