本页主题: [智利][神秘舞妓][BD-MP4/1.46G][720P][英语中字][欧美惊悚犯罪电影] 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 新人



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导演: Andrés Waissbluth _ y'g11 \  
主演: Carlos Morales / Alejandro Trejo / Eduardo Barril e}gGl<((g  
类型: 剧情 / 惊悚 / 犯罪 {'P?wv  
制片国家/地区: 智利 ko!]vHB9`  
语言: 西班牙语 fZs}u<3Q)  
上映日期: 2003-06-13 Ai%Wt-  
片长: 114 分钟 ?/3{gOgI$`  
    父母,孩子,兄弟。在智利圣地亚哥的几天里,三个不同的角色出现了:维克托,一个小学生,他在生日那天在一家俱乐部见到了一个脱衣舞女,他迷上了这个脱衣舞女;维克托的哥哥西尔维奥,被俱乐部老板雇来当他的司机,他也爱上了那个女人;还有,格雷西亚,脱衣舞女,老板的女朋友,他想出去。俱乐部老板唐·帕斯夸尔有许多非法企业,心地不好。维克托冲动的早恋,西尔维奥的性欲,格拉西亚的计划,还有唐·帕斯夸尔的占有欲,这些都是危险的组合 H(?+-72KX  
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  Parents, children, brothers. A few days in Santiago, Chile, seen by three different characters: Víctor, a schoolboy who develops a crush on a stripper he sees at a club on his birthday; Silvio, Victor's older brother, hired by the club owner to be his driver and who also falls for the woman; and, Gracia, the stripper who's the boss's girlfriend and who wants out. The club owner, Don Pasqual, has many illegal enterprises and a bad heart. Víctor's impulsive puppy love, Silvio's libido, Gracia's plans, and Don Pasqual's possessiveness make for a dangerous mix G"J 8i|~  
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【解压密码】:无需解压,将后缀"zip"改为"MP4"即可播放 }uD*\.  
【下载地址】: +IGSOWL  
https://rosefile.net/reta2rfz88/DCD-SHENMIWUJ2003.zip.html d<] eJ{  
https://www.567yunpan.com/file-1862753.html nKwOSGPQt  
? MRT  
http://www.xingyaodisk.com/fs/tnnny9q46zgzzaa 2zsDb'r  
顶端 Posted: 2022-06-11 13:34 | [楼 主]
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