本页主题: [希腊][比太阳更火热][BD-MP4/893MB][英语中字][720P][欧美爱情电影] 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 新人



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导演: Omiros Efstratiadis Y F*OU"2U  
编剧: George Zervoulakos rm} R>4  
主演: Anna Fonsou / Andreas Barkoulis / Hristos Nomikos owPm/F  
类型: 剧情 'ky b\q  
制片国家/地区: 希腊 pT$f8xJ  
语言: 希腊语 oP4GEr  
上映日期: 1972 "kc/J*u-3  
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   埃琳娜与一位富有的足球运动员和商人乔戈斯·斯塔夫鲁结婚,由于他的项目繁忙,斯塔夫鲁没有注意到他忽视了他的妻子。与此同时,埃琳娜开始在比雷埃夫斯港做妓女,并在她的一个客户克里斯托斯身上再次找到爱。克里斯托斯虽然疯狂地爱上了她,却对她的双重生活一无所知,她既是一个富有的妻子,同时又是一个妓女,她想娶她。然后,她开始回避他,但家里的生活很无聊,她的丈夫不愿意理解她的问题。即使她告诉他她是个妓女,他也因为一个紧急会议离开了家,留下她一个人,她的精神病越来越严重。 >fIk;6<{  
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  Eleana is married with Giorgos Stavrou, a wealthy footballer and businessman, who, because of his busy program, does not notice that he is neglecting his wife. Parallel, Eleana starts working as a prostitute at the harbor of Piraeus and finds again love in one of her clients, Christos. Christos, while falling madly in love with her, does not have a clue about her double life, as a wealthy wife and at the same time as a prostitute, and wants to marry her. Then, she starts avoiding him, but the life at home is very boring and her husband not willing to understand her problems. Even when she tells him that she is a prostitute, he leaves the house due to an urgent meeting, leaving her alone with her psychosis growing wild. rSYi<ku  
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【解压密码】:无需解压,将后缀"zip"改为"MP4"即可播放       [g2;N,V#  
【下载地址】:       ~i.k$XGA  
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https://rosefile.net/yzldd2a7n5/DCD-BTYHHR1972.zip.html C R|lt  
顶端 Posted: 2022-05-21 23:11 | [楼 主]
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