本页主题: [法国][安息日][BD-MP4/1.38G][中文字幕][720P][欧美奇幻电影] 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 新人



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导演: 马可·贝洛基奥 f33'2PYl  
编剧: 马可·贝洛基奥 x, a[ p\1  
主演: 碧翠斯·黛尔 / Daniel Ezralow / Corinne Touzet hu[=9#''$  
类型: 剧情 q5:-?|jXJ  
制片国家/地区: 意大利 / 法国 *>rpcS<l  
语言: 意大利语 0iqa]Am  
上映日期: 1988-02-26 G\tTwX4  
片长: 94 分钟 Rj9ME,u  
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    即将毕业的精神病医生大卫将发表一份关于年轻的萨巴的意见,他因谋杀一名林业工人而受审。她声称自己是女巫,代表魔鬼行事。公共卫生官员告诉大卫,他有理由相信她,300年来她一直在寻找一个适合自己需要的男人。在与萨巴第一次见面之后,大卫开始改变:他忽略了年轻漂亮的妻子克里斯蒂娜,在白日梦和幻觉中放松自己,在幻觉中他参与了审问和情色女巫的圈子。 OM{-^  
  The shortly graduated psychiatrist David shall deliver an opinion about the young Sabba, who's on trial for murder of a forester. She claims she's a witch and acted on behalf of the devil. The public health officer tells David, he's got reason to believe her, that she'd been searching for a man who suits her needs for 300 years. Already after his first meeting with Sabba, David begins to change: He ignores his beautiful young wife Christina and looses himself in daydreams and hallucinations in which he participates in inquisitory questioning and erotic witches' circles. h;f5@#F  
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【解压密码】:无需解压,将后缀"zip"改为"MP4"即可播放     MzYTEe&-L  
【下载地址】:   1t=Y+|vA9  
https://rosefile.net/r840tui1q5/DCD-AXR1988.zip.html Wcn3\v6_  
https://www.567yunpan.com/file-1839776.html wlBdA  
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http://www.xingyaodisk.com/fs/ty949qml67gregz ovzIJbf  
顶端 Posted: 2022-05-19 18:51 | [楼 主]
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