2010年 肖鼠運程+肖牛運程+肖虎運程 - 英语
RAT in 2010 :I*G tq
qP@d)XRQ Born in the Year: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 @LZ'Qc
}@ t4>%<'>e Element: water, wood, fire, earth, metal, water, wood, fire, earth Gu?OyL ,5J-C!C .4P5tIn\ Overall Prediction & Improvement Advice (:v|(Gn/ X=$WsfN.h 1912 & 1972: Good. Avoid Talking Alone; You Might Be Misunderstood To Have That Kind of Spooky Encounter n%GlOKC b /65Q&g' 1924 & 1984: Tough. Some Old Things That You Are Keeping Are Holding Your Progress Back. Throw Them Away. ,5`pe%W7 #~<cp)!3 1936 & 1996: Average. The Best Way To Be Understood Is to Make Your Intention Known. [ aC7 IO3`/R- 1948: Average. To Blame Others For Your Mistake And Not Getting Blamed Is Smart. ;T6{J[
h ti$d.Kc( 1960: Average. To Blame Yourself And Not Getting Blamed Is The Smartest. G&8)5d[ 3{OY& )*
<=: Good Stars: None |L|)r)t $=?1>zvF Bad Stars: Heaven Dog, Hanging Star, Calamity Star T;!7GW4E
? ;{'{*g[ 4pNIsjl} Rats’ Characteristics: < |