RABBIT in 2010
r_EcMIuk 1 nvTce Born in the Year: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999
.qk]$LJF7 l"n{.aL Element: wood, fire, earth, metal, water, wood, fire, earth
<8UYhGK jlFk@:y4 Og;-B0,A Overall Prediction & Improvement Advice
iJnU% \D>$aLO*? 1915 & 1975: Average. Your Temperature Depends On On Your Peace; Your Fun Depends On Your Creativity.
->7V %AOIKK5 1927 & 1987: Good. When Can You Stop Sweating And Start Enjoying? Every Night After You Get Married.
{_RWVVVe 1939 & 1999: Good. When Can You Start to See Your Bank Account Growing? When You Stop Believing It Has Anything To Do With Your Bank.
?2 0 1951 & 1963: Great. When Can You Overtake Your Current Manager? Anytime. Resign and Open a Shop And Print in Your Name Card , CEO.
`[zQf e T'nl,e| $3D'4\X~? Good Stars: Sun
EkT."K Bad Stars: Year Arrow, Salt Lake Star, Empty Star
vaf&X]p |%~+2m zF4 [}* Rabbits` Characteristics:
q.Nweu!jQ (]/9-\6(# You are by nature, playful and fun. You may be slightly timid at times, nevertheless, you enjoy light moments and good company. You are just as sensitive to other people`s
s08u @ J==SZ v feelings as about yourself. You may have problems getting over past relationships and you probably hide the scars well, but you should open up yourselves to other opportunities.
,n!vsIN 4E44Hzs Your expectations in life can sometimes be unrealistic but hard to snap you out of your dream world. You make wonderful partners for you are always caring and gentle.
R];Oxe `ovtHl3Q P#v*TD' 3Q/#T1@ Rabbits` 2010 Luck:
hzI*{ %iJ%{{f` Great news! Your luck will improve tremendously this year. As an act that you want things for the better; throw away all your old clothes and get new ones; bathe and scrub and
0=w K:Ex k
{- probably scrub harder again. All good stars are afraid of dirty fellows. For those who want to prosper, wake up early and get some sun shine. Tanning is a good way to absorb the
P7B:%HiAx xr0haN\p" energy; problem is some people don’t know when is too much. Feng-shui is an easier alternative. Have money can buy; No money go to some rich friends’ house and rub theirs.
*zO&N^X.4 ck#"*], dBO@6*N4c For the entrepreneur Rabbits, do not lose heart if things initially don’t appear well; it’s a matter of time that your effort or talent will be rewarded. But if you sit through the whole year doing nothing; don’t expect rewards either. For those working, go the extra miles and work but never missed the chance to walk out for lunch. Those who are afraid of the Sun
Li 2Zndp 1Xy]D and prefer the air-con will not part-take any of the good star’s blessing. Your boss don’t want you to smell good; rewards are for toll and sweat; not perfume.
uGdp@]z&8Q G0n'KB dQezd-y* On the family front; there shouldn’t be many big ups and downs. But don’t take your spouse for granted; All humans need to be stroked once awhile. Say encouraging words to
l0*Gb 3CTX -#)vS your spouse and children. If you scold your spouse stupid, you must be worst off since you decided to marry him or her. Worst If you scold your children stupid. Didn’t you read?
,n2i@?NHZ 3E}EBJLsZ OPpjuIRv Just the 2 simple mono-syllable words “ Go Die” in Chinese sent so many kids to jump down from the HDB flat; and to think they want to make learning Chinese even simpler! For those singles and seeking, don’t be disappointed if you can’t find a good one this year. Join some social networks but be vigilant who you are dating. And don’t trust the face you saw
()PKw,pD S\y%4}j on Facebook; most are digitally doctored.
Z,N$A7SBE ^EVc 95|Z 9Qj2W For the Rabbit children, if you find life to be so boring or school works too pressurizing; do not lose hearts. Lucky you were born in this era where there are so many avenues of help available. Our days where got school councilors? Only discipline masters who take great pleasure to punish than to council. You only have 1 life and there are not many 10
]j>i.5 XwM611 years in this 1 life; live to the fullest.
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W-_j] For the Elderly Rabbits, your health is a function of your lifestyle. Laugh and smile everyday, and you will add years, sigh and complain each time; you will cut similarly. Leave behind a legacy; it needs not be fame or wealth; but as a great spouse, parent and grand parent. Make news, be the first great grandfather to wed again
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Aj=u@O ;%J5=f%z) Y^$HrI(vq DRAGON in 2010
')+0nPV '%v#v 3' Born in the Year: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000
N132sN2 3E} An% Element: fire, earth, metal, water, wood, fire, earth, metal
jdevat,&u j-]&'-h}# $#o1MX Overall Prediction & Improvement Advice
bM;`s5d (yQ
5` 1916 & 1976: Tough. The Superior Man When Enjoying His Riches, Does Not Forget That Poverty May Come.
,xJrXPW ?_6YtR,{ 1928 & 1988: Tough. It Does Not Matter So Much If You Still Did Not Learn From Your Mistakes If You Still Have Many Years To Learn.
zIQzmvf Hv#q:R8 1940 & 2000: Average. Every Where There Is Opportunity; Able to See It Is Another Thing.
9-*NW0 \zXlN 1952: Good. To Be Successful in Life, You Must Be Able To Make Promises and Later Convince People Why You Can’t Keep Them.
e^).W3SK] Bp AB5=M0 1964: Tough. The Successful Can Convince People, The Most Successful Can Make People Forget.
0 mkvvNm3 5/ecaAB2 Good Stars: None
| 3bC
yTZk Bad Stars: Moon Arrow, Leopard Tail, Heaven Tears, Demise Star, Passing Star
f<[jwhCWV _X5_ez^/= O^{1RV3:,T Dragons` Characteristics:
^sg (VHND%7P You often lead a life of grandeur and gaiety. Adventurous and fond to go into areas where others avoid, you are often not seen as a good team-player. Often not well-liked by the same sexes but always attracted to the opposite. Sometimes, over-bravery and because you look at things differently can lead you to a life of solidarity. You, however, never failed to
;##]G=% ^.X [)U marvel people with your results. A trustworthy specialist, whom is capable to get the most difficult task accomplished, You make wonderful partner, provided people are willing to
~JZ3a0$^ TZ^LA
L'8_ take the back seat.
q/@dR{- [_DPxM=V 7u11&(Lz H;_yRUY9 Dragons` 2010 Luck:
-@%%*YI> y<r}"TAf- The luck of an average Dragon is like its body; roller coasting. Up and Down. This year is the turn again; So if last year you experienced bad luck more; this year should turn for the better. If last year was good; things may dip this year. Such is your destiny. So wealth preservation is a very vital strategy for you. If you splurge carelessly in your good years; you will
jy$@a%FD X\GM/A be left with nothing except hardship during the bad years.
g%J./F=@3 sn\;bq u,i
]a#K Smart business Dragons know some years they win, some years they lose. These are the ones who know when to go in and get out at the right time whatever the industries they are in or whatever the state of economy is. If you are not in your 50s, it’s still not too late for you to know this. If you already passed 50 and only get to know this fact? Never mind,
wuK=6RL I{.HO<$7D} ignore it; it’s too late anyway. For those working, no stunt please and try to be a team player. You are not likely to lose your job if you play your part well. But if you have been such a pain to everyone, no one will help or sympathize you when you lose your job. Can’t help it, your job required you to be an A@@H#&*E? Too bad; that’s no excuse, you reap what you sow. You know how great a fellow you are when you count how many of your colleagues and friends came to your parent’s wake.
" mj^+u- pV`$7^#X /MMtTB
H Make more time and effort for the family this year. Show your spouse how much you love them and shower your kids with love; and care for your parents so that your kids will learn from you and that they may love and care for you when you grow old. Never curse your parents, it only shortens your life. Never blame your children; they merely take after you.
i1*C{Lf;%) \&|CM8A Never ask why you are so stupid, you are only confirming it. Don’t use the word “Die” for a year to prevent the nasty stars from knowing where you are.
"h$R ]~eG 7s>a2 !c8L[/L For those singles and seeking, you need to get out of the house first; Can’t be the pizza delivery man or plumber right? Make friends from various circles. How to? You may ask. Join at least 2 social clubs, volunteer in the church or temple, help up in the CCs or RCs, be a tuition teacher to at least 5 widowers’ kids. Use some imagination and act on them!
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ria XSD%t8<LO 2bQ/0?.).- SNAKE in 2010
2ChWe}f ]S/G\z Born in the Year: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001
^ "
6f\ ~@M7&%] Element: fire, earth, metal, water, wood, fire, earth, metal
}5S2p@W) 7c1+t_ Ew XI}I.M Overall Prediction & Improvement Advice
mY2:m(9"5 ofCVbn 1929 & 1989: Average. It is Good To Have The Things You Wish For. It Is Better Not To Have Those Things You Don’t Wish For.
+^Jwo)R'b $adq7 1941 & 2001: Good. The Reason Why There Is Such A Phrase, “Count Your Blessings” Is Because There Are Really So Few To Count.
jPwef##~7 J%P)%yX 1953: V. Good. It is Aright To Be Wary of People; But Not of Your Spouse, Parents and Kids.
wa?+qiWnrl mCk5B*Jy 1965: Tough. It is Better to Have A Sparrow in the Hand, Then to Wish for the Eagle in the Sky.
i.@*tIK o<\6Rm 1917 &1977: Average. Everyone Can Set the Sky as the Limit; But Is Your Hand That Long?
fGO*%) ze
Ob Aw1O : ^(
nj7D Good Stars: Moon Star
HWtPLlNt 0/A-#'> Bad Stars: 6 Poison, Death Star, Hook Star, Orphan Star, Noose Star, 3 Punishment
[b`$\o'- RjtC:H&XZ Snakes` Characteristics:
Ru7L>(Njs nZW4} ~0j You are highly intelligent and wise. You score better on EQ & IQ than others. A strategist who is logical in thinking, you hide from limelight, rather to be controlling from the side. You seldom make a move without careful calculation. Once decided, you strike mercilessly and accurately until the goal is attained. Yet you are quick to be flexible. You can `scheme` to have people working together for you and still be called a nice guy!
/#\?1)jCK Qx.jCy@ XARSGAuw %Rn:G
K Snakes` 2010 Luck:
!$E~\uT jeFN*r_ Like the Rats, the Snakes will share about the same level of luck as last year but with some degree of improvement. On the business front; things will improve slightly from last year. If you suffered loses last year, results will be better this year if you are alert and careful. For those making money last year, this year will see a fair improvement but don’t expect the
o+7xom }9}w8R~E sky. Any over-expectation may be met with disappointment. The word and ideology that you want to adopt this year is the word “ SMOOTH” . Smooth can already; it is peaceful and without suffering. The same applies to those working. It is alright and correct to aspire climbing up the corporate ladder; but it is better to know the timing and that it is strategic to slow down when necessary.
lm &^tjx Su4h'&xx A:xb!=
2 There are many bad stars affecting the snakes’ family lives this year. For those married, do your part in parenthood. Be a good spouse and parent. If you decide that the casinos are where you want to hang out; buy a lot of insurance and make your family the beneficiary. If your spouse becomes a victim of these casinos, rise up and make noise. Don’t lose your
It\BbG= XPVV+. family to them. But whatever it is, leave the children out of this kind of squabble. If your children know how to take care of themselves, they will expect you to take of yourselves when you grow old. For those courting, relationship may be strenuous. Don’t fight or at least hide the knifes before you fight. If you are a victim of bashing before you get married;
W9jNUZVXE# #Y: ~UVV the bashing will intensify after marriage; guaranteed. If you cannot shake off your violent partner; use voodoo or feng-shui. The former can be fatal; mind you.
?1DUNZ6 Ltg-w\?] 7 s-`QdWX For those singles and seeking, irony is this, you may find your prince charming better in the night under the blessing of the Moon Star, but there are many wolves at night too. Thread with sensibility.
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zpsqTQ For the schooling snakes, fights between your parents may drive you nuts and take a toll on your study; but don’t lose heart. What matter more is your own future. The most take them as a role model of what you should NOT be when you grow up. Now you know why you should not marry your young girlfriend or boyfriend? Because like your fighting parents who once took the vow to love each other through thick and thin, the universal truth is, people change. Study hard and earn good money when you grow up. Then you put yourself on the pedestal and choose. Guarantee you a queue. If your parents are not like that; good for you. Go council your other less fortunate classmates.
g5<ZS3tQ 3DI^y`a
v _DrnL}9I7 As for the elderly snakes, keep a low profile but exercise regularly. Take an evening stroll after dinner and enjoy the sun set. Make yourself scarce so your children will not take you for granted but at the same time announce where you will be, otherwise they may stop finding you. Is it better to gamble away all your money in the casinos or give it to those sugarpies and honey bunch in the Geylang coffee shops? You decide how you want to die, ok?
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