[原創] TVB Lost (II)[01-10] 英粵繁雙語 RMVB 512*384[空難後海島發展版] ii
R>/M>*C Man of Science, Man of Faith [迷] 10:40p.m.
yZ0; \Tr*J ~1|sf8 0
WF(Ga/o 劃時代電視劇《迷》再度回歸明珠台!
)P|%=laE8 http://news.idsam.com/ 新聞組: bt.tv.hk
yC+N18y? 完檔朋友,請做3-5小時種,連續3天,我便滿意 zesEbR)j
[原創]已苦,証明也煩,ii@BT精神.襟 px//q4U
[節目名稱] Lost (II) [迷] 7 aDI6G
[ 類 型 ] TVBpearl電視連續劇 +}m j6I
[語音文字] 英粵繁(雙語) "{z9 L+
[ 格 式 ] TVmpgII to RMVB GVn9=[r
[畫面圖元] 512X384 i$"FUC~'
[影像壓縮] 5000K/s ;4 ?%k )
[ 清 晰 ] 高 82O`<Ci
[ 音 質 ] 高 Y1`.
[檔案大小] 每集約100-120MB &cpRB&bf
第二季的故事繼續講述班空難的悻存者其求生、恐懼與希望的故事;今季懸疑程度絕對會提昇到更新層次,更刺激,也更令人迷!究竟留在島上的悻存者,面對生死尤關的抉擇,他們會發現更多驚恐的事,還是希望呢? >W-e0kkH
承接上一季的結尾,Jack的一行人幾經辛苦,終於將「Black Rock」的烈性炸藥,運到由Locke所發現的太空艙外,更成功引爆將沒有門柄的門打開。不過,Jack卻提議眾人等到天光時才進入太空艙內。但Locke一於少理,竟懷?「朝聖」的心態,獨自跳入艙內。究竟眾人會在艙內發現甚麼東西呢﹖ n0vPW^EQ
One of the castaways is chosen to descend into the mysterious hatch, and Shannon stumbles upon a shockingly familiar face in the jungle. 0
The band of friends, family, enemies and strangers must continue to work together against the cruel weather and harsh terrain if they want to stay alive. But, as they have discovered during their 40-plus days on the island, danger and mystery loom behind every corner, and those they thought could be trusted may turn against them. Even heroes have secrets.[ 此贴被ii在2006-08-15 17:41重新编辑过 ]