Artist: Bloc Party
+V(^"Z~ Album: Silent Alarm
F3K<-JK+ Year: 2005
en/ h`h]h ?PS?_+E\L Tracks
op/_:#&' 1. Like Eating Glass
o>nw~_ H\ 2. Helicopter
.vctuy& 3. Positive Tension
5Po:$( 4. Banquet
$)$r 5. Blue Light
)hl7)~S< 6. She's Hearing Voices
zc=G4F01 7. This Modern Love
$U.| 8. Pioneers
]]dV 9. Price of Gas
*dLE 10. Little Thoughts
=PQ4S2Q 11. So Here We Are
=4'V}p 12. Luno
Qu,R6G 13. Plans
%gs?~Xl)] 14. Compliments
/g.c(-#] ^"p. 3Hy A UK Band, the whole album worth a listening to. Enjoy.
U[!i) Tg"? TZO~ EMH
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