[原創] The Real Sex Traffic 真實性販賣 英語 ii 00:05a.m.
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[原創]已苦,証明也煩,ii@BT精神.襟 e!`i3KYn" <i[HbgUlO. [節目名稱] The Real Sex Traffic 真實性販賣
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$(9U @N9E 598i^z{~0% The Real Sex Traffic 真實性販賣 6 Jun 2006 00:05a.m.
8fb'yjIC 觀眾收看劇集《人間蒸發》,難免會對劇中被綁架的女孩動以憐憫之心,又會為她們慘被蹂躪的經歷深表難過。然而,在現實社會中,全球估計逾五十萬名婦女就是受到這樣的煎熬,地下經營的性販賣市場更是數以十億元計。被綁架的婦女被售賣到50個國家去當***,當中不乏一些先進的強大國家,包括:英國、美國、日本、德國、意大利…等。
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1 pr~ 人口販賣的情況在東歐國家更是開始有上升的趨勢,節目探討多個真實個案,了解人口販賣的嚴重性。一個烏克蘭男子為了尋找失蹤的妻子,不惜走到土耳其展開尋妻之旅;還有***會帶大家走到英國、加拿大等地,細訴她們多年來被多次賣到不同地方的慘痛遭遇。
S'14hk< Qd6F H2Pl An estimated half million women are traffickedannually for the purpose of sexual slavery. They are"exported" to over 50 countries including Britain, Italy,Japan, Germany, Israel, Turkey, China, Kosovo,Canada and the United States. Misunderstood andwidely tolerated, sex trafficking has become a multi-billion dollar underground industry.
_ m>b2I? `6YN3XS According to the International Herald Tribune, humantrafficking is the fastest growing form of organizedcrime in Eastern Europe. Kidnapped and/or lured bythose who prey on their dreams, their poverty, andtheir naivet, Eastern European women are traffickedto foreign lands -- often with falsified visas --wherethey become modern day sex slaves. Upon arrival,they are sold to pimps, drugged, terrorized, caged inbrothels and raped repeatedly. For these women andyoung girls, there is no life, no liberty and no chancefor a happy and meaningful future.
[ 此贴被ii在2006-07-25 00:17重新编辑过 ]