本页主题: 【犯罪现场调查:纽约篇.第二季】[csi.new.york.2]【RMVB/4.78G/全25集】[中文双字幕] 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 圣人



中文名称:犯罪现场调查 纽约篇 第2季 aKF*FFX  
英文名称:CSI: NY Season 2 t<:D@J]a  
版本:[RMVB] nRhrWS  
发行时间:2005年09月28日 l6[lJ0Y  
地区:美国 iV.p5FD  
语言:英语 中英双字幕 f]~c)P Cs  
【类 型】:Crime / Drama / Mystery / Thriller {mE! Vf  
【片 长】:每集45分钟左右 R4%P:qM  
【字 幕】:中英双字幕 !/K8xD$  
【国 家】:美国 CBS dEM ?~?  
【语 言】:英语 SN+ S6  
【主 演】: !a1i Un9  
Gary Sinise as Mack Taylor 47 u@4"M  
Melina Kanakaredes as Stella Bonasera c(-  Mc6  
Carmine Giovinazzo as Danny Messer 5T4"j;_.BL  
Hill Harper as Sheldon Hawkes guN4-gGDr<  
Eddie Cahill as Don Flack ApPy]IdwX  
Vanessa Ferlito as Aiden Burn fUag1d  
【内容简介】: {g/wY%u=  
CSI: New York, the third incarnation of the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation franchise, is a crime drama about forensic investigators who use high-tech science to follow the evidence and solve crimes in The Big Apple. Detective Mack "Mac" Taylor is a dedicated and driven crime scene investigator who believes that everything is connected and for everyone there is a story. He and his partner, Detective Stella Bonasera, a workaholic and a jack-of-all-trades, share a passion for the job. They lead a team of experts amid the gritty and kinetic city that never sleeps. Their team includes Danny Messer, a Brooklyn-born investigator with rugged good looks, an unflappable spirit and a colorful family history, and Dr. Sheldon Hawkes, a reclusive coroner who walked away from a promising surgical career after the traumatic loss of two patients. Joining them is homicide Detective Don Flack, an edgy, hardcore investigator with a quick wit, impressive forensic insight and limited patience with potential suspects. Rounding out the team is Aiden Burn, a smart and sexy investigator whose chameleon-like behavior allows her to adapt to any situation at any time. These skilled investigators, who see New York City in a whole different light, follow the evidence as they piece together clues and eliminate doubt to ultimately crack their cases. {j(4m  
讲述刑事警察局的法庭犯罪调查员如何在作案现场取得证据破案的故事。调查员的名言是“死尸会说话”,他们利用指纹、鞋印、子弹壳、血迹、毛发、纤维、尸体伤痕等微小证据,经过仔细的分析研究后,寻得破案的关键。 PB~_I=  
本剧集为《犯罪现场CSI》最新克隆的新篇章,主要场景城市换成纽约。以当地办案人员为故事主轴,描写他们是如何地透过高科技的辅助,以及巨细靡遗的传统办案手法,破解一个又一个待解的刑案。全新的场景和演员阵容值得期待。 ]S8LY.Az5  
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顶端 Posted: 2008-03-14 23:42 | [楼 主]
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