TeNPuY~WP U6F1QLSLz 专辑名称:High Places
z? 歌手姓名:High Places
k[ 唱片公司:Thrill Jockey
y3OF+;E 发行日期:2008年09月20日
"NtY[sT{V 专辑流派:Rock
UX%J?;g 推荐指数:4星
hGJANA y_r(06"z1 专辑介绍:
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r$E:kr Since their inception, High Places have created a signature
"/Pq/\,R| sound out of using bass-heavy yet crisp beats, lilting vocal
?OS0. melodies and syncopated rhythmic lines performed on folk
||4T*B06 percussion instruments, guitar duets turned into treated
p<iH samples, and percussive lines created from the manipulation of
mM.YZUX household objects. The songwriting is expansive and fluid, all
5i+cjT2 the while managing to be concise. High Places gravitate toward
U=PTn(2 the organic over the electronic, and that natural aesthetic
oL@K{dk adds warmth and intimacy to the recordings.
UCJx{7 Q)im2o@z High Places' self-titled debut was recorded by the band's Rob
($-m}UF\/ Barber and Mary Pearson in their apartment in Brooklyn's Fort
sO{TGk]* Greene neighborhood. They employed a wide variety of
VS@e[, instruments to make this album, ranging from the more
traditional: 12 string guitar, banjo, shakers and rattles,
B>g(i=E bass, bells and Kalimba; to the inventive: plastic bags,
yxAy1P;dX mixing bowls, wood blocks and other common household objects.
Z@}qL1 The album has a contemplative and organic lyrical tone
rFaG-R emphasized by the themes of goodness manifested in nature,
ih-J{1 hardship and wonder as necessities to human existence and
'qJ0338d#U growth. Additionally, the idea of maturation and development
hLj7i? is further accented through the recurring mention of trees and
~*x 2IPiH their extending, enveloping braches.
L~AU4Q0o in6*3C4 曲目列表:
.3&(Y o59b#9 1. The Storm
i` Q&5KL 2. You In Forty Years
-e"A)Bpl( 3. The Tree With The Lights In It
F^81?Fi. 4. Vision's The First...
:IucH%6V 5. Gold Coin
OY8P 6. Papaya Year
qA"BoSw 4 7. Namer
O]'2<; 8. Golden
EjMVlZC> 9. A Field Guide
z 10. From Stardust