4W9#z~' NQ@."8 专辑名称:Dial M
iVt*N$iZ 歌手姓名:Starflyer 59
^ cn)eA 唱片公司:Tooth & Nail Records
^L(}c O 发行日期:2008年10月28日
9ci=]C5o3K 专辑流派:Indie/Pop/Rock
)MZQ\8,)] 推荐指数:4星
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[Bx{B 专辑介绍:
{g *kr1JM OIa=$l43C Here’s another from the late night/early morning listening department: It’s been a while since I’ve heard anything about Starflyer 59, so I visited their Myspace page. It looks like they recently put the finishing touches on a new album titled Dial M and are hoping for a late summer release via Tooth & Nail. I dropped the band a message with hopes of finding out more about it…I’ll share any news received.
bb6J$NR +_HPZo 4#Fz!Km 曲目列表:
KF|<A@V x62b=k} 1. Minor Keys
I"^ `!8<q 2. The Brightest of the Head
s:UQ~p}"S 3. Concentrate
2c.~cNx`q[ 4. Who Said It's Easy?
zXL8 5. M23
RbJ,J)C> 6. Taxi
mB.kV Ve0 7. Automatic
*K 8. Altercation
6<+R55 9. Mr. Martin
/YWoDHL 10. I Love You Like the Little Bird