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檔案大小︰2.06GB Fq/?0B8 檔案格式︰MP4 =S/$h}Vi 長度︰02:51:38 nD6mLNi%a 語言︰英語 XzI c<81Z 字幕︰繁體中文 H|_^T.n?E 歌曲︰ oR (hL4Dc 1. Twist And Shout 'WK}T)o 2. Whole Lotta Shakin Going On ;@p2s'( 3. Dancing In The Street R r! PU 4. That's Why (I Love You So) U]j4Izq 5. Keep The Ball Rollin' Su`LB z" 6. Do The Freddie s\QhCS 7. Dance To The Music RN\4y{@ 8. She Loves You fD+'{ivN4 9. Wedding Bell Blues 2GOQ| Z 10. To Sir With Love TxAT )) 11. Worst That Could Happen su
.hmc 12. Night Q!K@ 13. Tears On My Pillow / Hurt So Bad dA>=#/" 14. It's The Same Old Song / Something About You / Sugar Pie V\^rs41$; 15. I Got You Babe w"d~R
16. I'm Henry The VIII, I Am XH4!|wz 17. Let's Hang On >B(%$jG Z 18. Do You Believe In Magic RG/M- 19. It's Not Unusual d%_v
eVIe 20. I'm A Fool 2|]$hjs 21. Along Comes Mary *KNj5>6= 22. My World Is Empty Without You mqgA 23. Love Is A Hurtin Thing
2 24. Don't Bring Me Down Eyi^N0 25. Monday, Monday xLX< |