本页主题: [意大利][清教徒][HD-MP4/896MB][欧美另类电影] 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 新人



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La puritana导演: 尼尼·格拉西亚 mie<jha  
编剧: 尼尼·格拉西亚 RVv@x5  
主演: 玛姬·伊芙琳·纽顿 / Dario Casalini / 加布里埃莱·丁蒂 / Carlo Mucari / Annamaria Clementi / 更多... rn l~i  
类型: 剧情  *0)vsBi  
制片国家/地区: 意大利 i,R<`K0  
语言: 意大利语 fX).A`  
上映日期: 1989 nB?$W4  
片长: 92分钟 B\a-Q,Wf  
又名: Act of Revenge ':8yp| A|  
IMDb: tt0228754 U2=l; R{  
清教徒的剧情简介 · · · · · · 5qkG~ YO-  
  The movie starts with Annabella (Margie Newton), an attorney, by the bedside of one of her client, a young drug addict in a recovery clinic. ?5e:w?&g@  
Before he dies, he tells her where she can find a taped diary disclosing all the terrible secrets that have been going on in this small town. UQ#"^`=R<  
She decides to stay and it soon appears that she is seeking revenge upon all those who had harmed... Z~^)B8  
Rh-e C6P  
【解压密码】:无需解压,将后缀"zip"改为"MP4"即可播放 WjxO M\?#  
【下载地址】:https://www.567file.com/file-1925658.html d\}r.pD  
https://rosefile.net/mod4xq7pkl/SJOM-QJTU1989.zip.html '~ RP+  
顶端 Posted: 2022-08-16 21:24 | [楼 主]
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