%3A~& >cM}M =4s Md(h-wYr 7PG|e# t,>j{SK ~ 国家/地区: 法国
|\iJ6m;a 类型: 成人
:3$-Qv X 上映日期: 1976-12-08
+Oa+G.;)o4 导演: Robert Renzulli
WEVV2BJ 编剧: Robert Renzulli
4!^flKZQ 语言: French
JMIS*njq^ 演员: Ellen Earl , Gabriel Pontello , Françoise Avril , Élisabeth Buré , Richard Allan , Véronique Crozemary , Charlie Schreiner , Karen , Daniel Trabet , Nadia Carrassan
Y[WL}:"93 片长: 82 分钟
u~VvGLFf5, 奖项: N/A
DgiMMmpE * M,'F^E2 剧情简介: Ellen Earl, in her role as a delirious American on a spree landing in a small village in the Alpilles - where she organizes particularly perverse sexual games while seducing the passage rough local villain - is beautiful, exciting, vicious at will.
9]^ CDL PShluhY 艾伦·厄尔饰演一个神志不清的美国人,在Alpilles的一个小村庄疯狂登陆,在那里她组织了特别变态的性游戏,同时引诱了当地粗鲁的恶棍,她美丽、激动人心、随心所欲。
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