2010年 肖鼠運程+肖牛運程+肖虎運程 - 英语
RAT in 2010
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Born in the Year: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 4p}?QR>tZ W@bZ~Q
9 Element: water, wood, fire, earth, metal, water, wood, fire, earth bfE4.YF -Lo3@:2i ktA5]f; Overall Prediction & Improvement Advice jTeHI|b S)?V;@p6 1912 & 1972: Good. Avoid Talking Alone; You Might Be Misunderstood To Have That Kind of Spooky Encounter %0y_WIjz
eYpK!9 1924 & 1984: Tough. Some Old Things That You Are Keeping Are Holding Your Progress Back. Throw Them Away. ,8tk]W[C 3Fu5,H EJ 1936 & 1996: Average. The Best Way To Be Understood Is to Make Your Intention Known. y7X2|$9z- S6<z2-y 1948: Average. To Blame Others For Your Mistake And Not Getting Blamed Is Smart. *F^t)K2 *eF'<._[U 1960: Average. To Blame Yourself And Not Getting Blamed Is The Smartest. ^MXW,xqb L?Fb} 3J3Yt`
Good Stars: None
s"'ns Rj'Tu0l Bad Stars: Heaven Dog, Hanging Star, Calamity Star |ee A>z"I qh]D=i iAl.(j Rats’ Characteristics: )/p=ZH0[ 'vP"&lrn You are extremely intelligent and one of high survival skills. You are a team-player for different reasons. You take inputs from others to create superb and highly effective solutions that benefit others and, unselfishly, for your own credit and glory. You think a lot and many can only guess for you are too fast and unpredictable. You should join the Survivor Games on TV. You will outwit, outplay and outlast most others. K Y=$RO "hbCP4 B7 #O>a p.ks
jD Rats’ 2010 Luck: S/2lK*F ~WW!P_wI, Your luck this year is likely to maintain likes the previous year. If last year you did well, you will continue to do well; if last year was bad it may likely stay that way too. With no good star in sight; how things turn out will depend a lot on your own actions and your actual location. Your effort counts, so don’t be lazy and only know how to blame the sky or
K!<3|d _ ;!$1lM[ the god you know. If you were enjoying good fortune last year; it is not advisable that you make too many changes to where you stay or work. But if last year was bad, you may want to think about making these changes. Whether you are your own boss or you are working for people, apply this principle; if good don’t change, if no good quickly change. ns&3Dh(IVP Q2)CbH
Sz The least you can do is to start changing the feng-shui of your house; followed by your work place. Use feng-shui to expedite the good fortune stars and block out the bad ones. If last year was good for you, does that mean you don’t need to buy new feng-shui tools for the year? If only you think you don’t need better luck. Auspicious things, can buy some! 9OS~;9YR !>8/Xz~- %7S{
g Family luck is moderate for the rats this year. After the good news last year , whether a marriage or the arrival of a new borne, things should settle down a bit for everyone. But that does not mean you should take things for granted. Humans are more sensitive than weather; you still need to put in effort everyday to get your relationship right. Whether to your kids or to your spouse. For those dating, so you think you are stable? Nothing is stable these days. Let it rest, it will go stale or the other way round, hey-wired. 1_B;r9x Ai*+LSG sJ>JHv For those single and seeking, next year you shall have better romance luck. So might as well park your energy with your family and friends. riu_^!"Z_ HYwtGj~5 4}r.g0L For those in schools, you may find the going getting tougher except for Chinese of course; at least it was promised to be easier. Now why can’t they just do that the same for the other subjects, you must be wondering. Don’t’ ask us, we are not academia; we are only the Feng-Shui Lo. Whatever it is, just do your best; don’t be stupid to follow the rest to 1)BIh~1{p W
[G5+*i jump down just because you failed your exam. You had been warned by those who did, it is definitely more painful than to retake your examination. Seek help if you need too. U&'Xs
z KKRj#m(:! Your parents are not the only avenue if you cannot communicate with them. Type “SOS” or “ Help; I Feel Suicidal” in Yahoo or Google. i6FviZx !q[r_wL TB%NHq-! Jwtt&" c0. If there are elderly Rats at home or at some homes which you had deliberately put them; things may get worst if they start looking at the sky more often or they start talking to themselves. Whether they had sacrificed their lives for you or not to raise you; they are after all, your folks. All religions punish children who treat their folks badly; even Christianity; it’s in the Bible. Taoists worst still; remember the saw grinder in the Hell chamber at Haw Paw Villa? That is the best moral education any one could get. So please love your folks. They may be going through some bad times this year; your support and love are very important. $fhR1A ] :. Njmb{L]Cps ?Z2_y- rUW/d3y OX in 2010 *K
'#$`2 +=Y$v2BZA3 Born in the Year: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 S] R.:T_% KLpFW} Element: water, wood, fire, earth, metal, water, wood, fire, earth ~5;2 ni8n }I"k=>Ycns +'"NKZ.>TT Overall Prediction & Improvement Advice Ge=|RAw3 Fp(-&,L0fc 1913 & 1973: V. Good. Constant Happiness Can Reduce Sickness; Excessive Celebrations On The Other Hand Can Make You Sick. zLSha\X 5?34<B 1925 & 1985: Average. The Best Way To Avoid Accident is to Die In Your Sleep; Don’t Want That? Get Out Of Bed! 68()2v4X (,j~s{ 1937 & 1997: Good. Don’t Drive And Drink ; Beer Is Expensive Here; You May Spill While Driving. hbSXa' y;VmA#k` 1949 & 2009: Good. Money & Alcohol Attract The Wrong Sex. 1uJpn [+wLy3_ 1961: Good. Don’t Have To Remind Your Loved Ones To Be Strong & Happy After You Are Gone. Chances Are, They Will. w gkY\Q ~(-df> tpn.\z% Good Stars: Red Phoenix, Solution Star KPxf /ptG Bad Stars: Sickness Star, Widow Star, Swallow Star and Heaven Arrow N+zR7`AG8 dk_! ~Z _
X~xfmU Oxen`s Characteristics: }Sh3AH/ I~&*8)xM You are well-known for your perseverance and stamina. When other people fizzle out, you are still standing. Never quick to put blame on others, you make reliable friends and C,) e7 bqwn_=. partners despite your stubbornness. You are often make used of by friends but you don’t seem to mind. Even in good times and prosperity, you maintain a mellowed countenance. 303x|y 4CK$W`V Your partner often get impatient with you but at the same time cannot live without you. jyFKO[s\X *EF`s~
:+v4,=fHy qpX`ZY^ Oxen`s 2010 Luck: k&pV`.Imi Z!z#+G At last for you, a sign of breeze. Man, it has been so long for some good stars to come flying your way, isn’t it? Well, finally 2 good stars are coming your way. Arise and shine; absorb their fullest blessing and may you not hang down your head anymore this year. For those working, opportunities will come with challenges but solutions there will be, my friend. Take all the challenges; they are good for the next promotion and salary increment. For those who are their own bosses; the cash register will start to ring; new clients will call you; so repair the phone and the door bell. Grow in pace with the returns, plan for expansion but execute concurrently; not too fast; nor too slow. |o#pd\ (L,>P`CR6 -cB>; f)5r But whether you are working for people or you are on your own; do not overwork and have enough rest. That’s because the yucky Sickness Star is in sight. Avoid or cut down entertaining. How smart a person can you be, if all times you are the one who gets knocked down by drinks? Oh you chose to be drunk? Why don’t you say you asked for the accident also. Don’t drink and drive; Widow Star is in sight; don’t make your wife a widow. And women, don’t think it applies to men only. It can happen to you also; that is, if you like to drink and drive. For those involved in operating heavy machinery, best that you take MC if you must watch the World Cup. Don’t let your factory score’s board reads, Machine: 1 Man: 0. X8 A$& |