级别: 强的不是人


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烘焙原料中英文對照表 (Xl+Zi>\{ B:96E& 3gv@JGt7` 英文名稱 中文名稱 43,baeG ........................................................... f= A`{8^ l T#WM] 粉類 u<JkP <"S Plain flour 面粉 1*f*}M high protein flour 高筋面粉 jG`,k*eUrJ All-purpose flour 中筋麵粉 0at['zw Low protein flour 低筋麵粉 sSy!mtS Wholemeal Flour 全麥面粉 K=1prv2 Self-raising flour 自發粉 watTV\b Corn Flour 玉黍署粉 Vg(FF" Sweet potato flour 蕃薯粉 ?vP6~$*B Tapioca starch / tapioca flour 木薯粉 qVW3oj<2 Corn Starch 粟粉 u'T?e+= Rice flour 粘米粉
jqlfypU Glutinous rice flour 糯米粉 q"i]&dMr Polenta / yellow cornmeal 粗玉米豆粉 O7oq1JI]Y Potato Starch 生粉/太白粉 !u;gGgQF Baking Powder 發粉/泡打粉 I7HGV( Baking Soda/Bicarb of soda 小梳打粉 f#McTC3C Parmesan Cheese Powder 起司粉 wb>"'% Custard powder 蛋黃粉/吉士粉 NJCSo(O Egg white powder 蛋白粉 &2nICAN[ Cooked rice flour 糕仔粉 hkOFPt& wheat flour 澄麵粉 D*/fY=gK Green Pea Starch 綠豆澄粉 g:s|D
hE[ Wheat germ 麥芽粉 qpjiQ,\:b Wheat gluten 麵筋粉 NiY
T%K% Cinnamon 肉桂粉 5<M$ XT Gelatin 吉利丁/魚膠粉 Ept=&mJPu Glucomannan 蒟蒻粉 i9|}-5ED Natural gum powder 蒟蒻果凍粉 L d{`k Cream of tartar 塔塔粉 &b'{3o_KN Almond Powder 杏仁粉 {:#c1d2@8 Water chestnut flour 馬蹄粉 N;a' `l Cocoa powder 可可粉 fohZ&f|> Grounded Cumin Seed 小茴香粉
`!xI!Y\ Grounded Ginger 薑粉 t&i |